Frequently asked questions
View the most frequently asked questions about booking a fitness class at one of our sports centres.
Senate regulation 11: Regulations governing student conduct and discipline: Introduction (11.1-11.53)
Read Senate regulation 11: Regulations governing student conduct and discipline: Introduction (11.1-11.53)
Leicester scientist discusses one of the most exciting planetary events that well see in our lifetime
When Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) passed just 140,000 kilometres from Mars on 19 October 2014, depositing a large amount of debris in the Martian atmosphere, space agencies coordinated multiple spacecraft to witness the largest meteor shower in recorded history.
Health outcomes of ethnic minorities living in cities explored in national report
Leading professors from the University of Leicester and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities in London have provided key recommendations in the Chief Medical Officer’s (CMO) annual report to enhance care for ethnic minority populations living in cities
Here the list of publications of 2022 can be found.
Making it in the UK screen sector
An upcoming event will explore how the UK film and screen industries including creators, funders and businesses can work towards improving inclusion and diversity.
Polymer chemistry
Polymer chemistry is the basis of many of the objects we use in day-to-day life. Get more information on the ways in which we are researching polymers in the sustainable synthesis and cataylsis research group.
Event to explore how arts and culture can better reflect our diverse society
A panel of industry experts will discuss how we can make workforce diversity the responsibility of everyone in arts and culture, and why it is important to support BAME role models and leaders, during an event organised by our CAMEo Research Institute for Cultural...
Publications from the year 2023.
Senate regulations
Related policies Fitness to Practise appeals procedures Student Information privacy notice Policy relating to proof-reading services Code of practice governing freedom of speech Code of practice governing the Students' Union Education Act 1994 –...