
16391 results for: ‘%s’

  • Conference Interpreting 2

    Module code: TS3002 This module will be delivered via workshops in our well-equipped Conference Interpreting Suite. It is designed to further enhance your simultaneous interpreting skills with theme-based practice sessions.

  • Politics, Conflict and Statecraft in Africa

    Module code: PL3150 This module is designed to introduce you to the world of African politics, diplomacy and statecraft. Specifically, the module draws insights from ancient, modern, and contemporary Africa to analyse international relations, statecraft and political conflict.

  • Core Laboratory Techniques

    Module code: MB7008 This module is designed to develop your experimental research skills and give you a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of key molecular biology techniques for working in bioscience laboratories.

  • Sponsorship

    The Sponsor of a research project is the institution or organisation that takes on the legal responsibility for the initiation and management of a research study/trial.

  • Healthcare Management MSc

    This is for you if... you want to learn how to be an exceptional manager in the healthcare environment.

  • Communication and Media MA

    This is for you if... you want to gain a deeper understanding of the theoretical and methodological approaches to the rapidly changing field of media and communication research.

  • Event to explore how arts and culture can better reflect our diverse society

    A panel of industry experts will discuss how we can make workforce diversity the responsibility of everyone in arts and culture, and why it is important to support BAME role models and leaders, during an event organised by our CAMEo Research Institute for Cultural...

  • Ethnic differences in need for heart pacemakers may have genetic link

    Researchers have found evidence to show that South Asian people (from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) are less likely to require a pacemaker for an abnormally low heart rate compared to white people of European origin.

  • Good cholesterol doesnt always lower heart attack risk

    Some people with high levels of ‘good’ high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) are at increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), contrary to earlier evidence that people with more HDL-C are usually at lower heart disease risk.

  • Potential new targets for cancer treatments identified by Leicester research team

    An international consortium of scientists led by a group from the University has announced a new advance in understanding the mechanisms of cancer and how to target it more effectively with new treatments.

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