
13284 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • The face of a king

    After the bones had been scanned, a 3D scan of the skull was sent to the University of Dundee where the muscles and skin were modelled using a computer process known as stereolithography.

  • Leicester geneticist involved in internet for DNA

    Scientists at the University of Leicester are playing a central role in the development of what is being described as ‘an internet for DNA’.

  • Richard III experts discuss how the project illustrates university research is changing for the better

    Experts on Richard III have provided a series of insightful opinion pieces about the last Plantagenet king where they discuss their research, contemplate how University research is changing and address concerns that the remains may not be those of Richard III.

  • Ed Galyov

    The academic profile of Dr Ed Galyov, Reader at University of Leicester

  • The Marketplace of Life? The Political-Economy of Emergent Water Markets

    Posted by Georgios Patsiaouras in School of Business Blog on December 4, 2013   The frog does not drink up the pond in which he lives (American Indian Saying)   In 1776 Adam Smith introduced the paradox of value: diamonds are much more expensive than water, even...

  • Andrew Millard

    The academic profile of Dr Andrew Millard, Bacteriophage Bioinformatics at University of Leicester

  • Eamonn Mallon

    The academic profile of Professor Eamonn Mallon, Professor of Evolutionary Biology, Associate Dean of Research at University of Leicester

  • Time of day matters for breast cancer treatment: new study

    Risk of developing breast shrinkage (atrophy) after radiotherapy can be affected by the time of day the patient is treated and their genetics.

  • Pump Priming Awards

    Yearly or Bi-yearly Pump Priming Awards linked to BHF Accelerator

  • Christian Jenul

    The academic profile of Dr Christian Jenul, Lecturer in Molecular Microbiology at University of Leicester

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