
13284 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Julian Barwell

    The academic profile of Professor Julian Barwell, Professor in Genomic Medicine at University of Leicester

  • Seminars and events

    LeMID host a range of seminars and events with internal and external professionals, presenting a variety of ground-breaking research.

  • Patrick Heslop-Harrison

    The academic profile of Professor Patrick Heslop-Harrison, Professor of Plant Cell Biology and Molecular Cytogenetics at University of Leicester

  • Modern and Contemporary Literature and Theory 1

    Module code: EN7031 Together with Modern and Contemporary Literature and Theory 2, this module will encourage you to think about different theoretical, historical and contextual approaches to the study of literature.

  • Modern and Contemporary Literature and Theory 1

    Module code: EN7031 Together with Modern and Contemporary Literature and Theory 2, this module will encourage you to think about different theoretical, historical and contextual approaches to the study of literature.

  • Attenborough Arts Centre announces new Advisory Board members

    Attenborough Arts Centre today announces the appointment of six new Advisory Board members, following a public recruitment process.

  • General admissions policies

    Browse our general admissions policies, from code of practice, to complaints to feedback at Leicester.

  • Beatriz Guillen Guio

    The academic profile of Dr Beatriz Guillen Guio, Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Leicester

  • Modern and Contemporary Literature and Theory 2

    Module code: EN7032 Following on from Modern and Contemporary Literature and Theory 1, this module will encourage you to develop further your knowledge of different theoretical, historical and contextual approaches to the study of literature.

  • Modern and Contemporary Literature and Theory 2

    Module code: EN7032 Following on from Modern and Contemporary Literature and Theory 1, this module will encourage you to develop further your knowledge of different theoretical, historical and contextual approaches to the study of literature.

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