
16392 results for: ‘%s’

  • Human Skeletal Analysis

    Module code: AR3076 The human skeleton gives us our only direct link with the people of the past. While pots, flints and other archaeological artefacts give us hints about what people did and how they live, the skeleton shows direct evidence of past lives and lifestyles.

  • Spanish Language (Proficiency)

    Module code: SP3010 Language study will be based on an integrated communicative approach and will be placed in a context that relates to contemporary life, society and culture in Spain and the broader Spanish-speaking world.

  • Spanish Language (Advanced)

    Module code: SP1010 (double module) Language study will be based on an integrated communicative approach and will be placed in a context that relates to contemporary life, society and culture in Spain and the broader Spanish-speaking world.

  • Spanish Language (Post-Beginners)

    Module code: SP2005 Language study will be based on an integrated communicative approach and will be placed in a context that relates to contemporary life, society and culture in Spain and the broader Spanish-speaking world.

  • Spanish Language (Post-Advanced)

    Module code: SP2010 Language study will be based on an integrated communicative approach and will be placed in a context that relates to contemporary life, society and culture in Spain and the broader Spanish-speaking world.

  • Financial Risk Management

    Module code: EC7097 Some of the most spectacular losses in finance have been due to failures in risk management. Either failure to properly appreciate the risk of an investment or to manage the people taking them.

  • Leicester ranked third most affordable university city

    The city of Leicester is among the UK's most affordable for students, coming third in a ranking of university cities across the entire UK, and first in the Midlands.

  • University of Leicester BHF Research Accelerator for Precision Medicine

    About the BHF Research Accelerator for Precision Medicine About the BHF Research Accelerator for Precision Medicine abstract wireframe illustration of heart inside human body See the members of our Executive Group and Steering Committee.

  • New research explores how experiences of medical students may affect choosing careers in general practice

    New research to better understand how medical students’ perceptions of their experiences of their undergraduate curriculum may affect choosing general practice as a career has been published in the British Journal of General Practice.

  • Advice

    While you're preparing to come to the UK, don't forget to check our preparations checklist, as well as our information on opening a UK bank account and registering with the police and a doctor.

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