
16400 results for: ‘%s’

  • Foundations of Computation

    Module code: CO1108 In this module, we explore the idea of foundations and theory in Computer Science. We discuss and classify grammars and formal languages to solve simple problems.

  • Corporate Governance

    Module code: LW7259 Corporate governance is concerned with the internal and external roles and relationships in a corporation including shareholders, managers, employees, creditors, consumers and other entities.

  • Year 2 Language Project

    Module code: ML2008 In this module, you will independently research a topic related to contemporary culture and society, using sources in the target language, with guidance from your supervisor.

  • The Media on Film

    Module code: MS3014 This module engages in analysing how various media forms are represented and interrogated through film. The theoretical heart of the enquiry is a postmodernist one, thinking about intertextuality and (self)reflexivities in and across media texts.

  • Molecular Methods and Experimental Design

    Module code: MB7402 This module is designed to develop your experimental research skills and give you a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of key molecular biology techniques.

  • Medical Genetics

    Module code: MB3050 ‘Medical genetics’ will give you an appreciation of the application of genetics to a broad range of areas of modern medicine and illustrates ways in which genetic knowledge is impacting on cancer therapeutics.

  • Year 2 Language Project

    Module code: ML2008 In this module, you will independently research a topic related to contemporary culture and society, using sources in the target language, with guidance from your supervisor.

  • Foundations of Computation

    Module code: CO1108 In this module, we explore the idea of foundations and theory in Computer Science. We discuss and classify grammars and formal languages to solve simple problems.

  • Foundations of Mathematics for Finance

    Module code: EC7122 Maths is the foundation of accounting and finance. This module will allow you to gain an understanding of the mathematical principles and fundamentals that you will encounter during your professional career.

  • Financial Derivatives

    Module code: EC7076 Financial derivatives are vital tools in modern portfolio management. Derivatives are contracts which give the holder the right or obligation to trade an asset in the future at a price agreed today.

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