
13284 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • khn5

    Introducing the Library’s Inclusive Collections Group Posted by khn5 in Library and Learning Services on March 13, 2023 The University is working to develop a more inclusive curriculum, to make our teaching more inclusive and more responsive to our diverse student body.

  • The Leicester and Leicestershire SCITT

    Leicester and Leicestershire SCITT is a well-established organisation offering both School Direct and School Centred routes to a PGCE, awarded by the University of Leicester.

  • Training

    As a designated facility for using animals in research, the University of Leicester employs a Named Training and Competency Officer (NTCO).

  • Comparative Neurobiology

    Module code: BS3064 Module co-ordinator: Dr Tom Matheson How do different nervous systems detect, process, and act on signals from the environment? What principles of neuronal organisation and function underpin this signal processing and the behaviours that...

  • Microbiology and Cell Biology

    Module code: BS1040 Module co-ordinator: Dr Shaun Heaphy This module will introduce you to the nature, relatedness, similarities and differences of known life on earth.

  • Literature and Cultural Identity: Contemporary Caribbean Writing

    Module code: EN7139 Module co-ordinator: Dr Lucy Evans In this module we will explore a range of late-twentieth-century texts by writers from different islands within the Anglophone Caribbean region (Trinidad, Jamaica, Antigua, and St Lucia).

  • Software Measurement and Quality Assurance

    Module code: CO7095 Module co-ordinator: Dr H Janicke Description A major aim of Software Engineering is to ensure the quality of the final product of the software development process. Quality is not an extra that can be added at the end of the process.

  • Maths for Economics 1

    Module code: EC1005 Module co-ordinator: Matteo Foschi Description Why do we need maths in Economics? Economists seek to understand essential aspects of an economic problem using models. Models are stylised representation of reality making assumptions.

  • Investment Management

    Module code: EC3077 Module co-ordinator: Jim O'Hare Description Investment Management is clearly all about the management of investments.

  • Statistics for Economists 2

    Module code: EC1009 Module co-ordinator: Dr Barbara Roberts Description Decision makers and policy makers require information about society, businesses and the economy to make informed decisions at different levels.

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