
Professor Paul Hart

Emeritus Professor

School/Department: Psychology and Vision Sciences, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)794 290 2250



Paul Hart BSc (Liverpool), BA (Open University), PhD (Liverpool), FLS, FMBA. From 1973-1976 I worked on the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey at the Oceanographic Laboratory, Edinburgh. From 1973 - 1976 I was employed by Nordreco AB (a Nestlé R & D company) in Sweden as a fishery biologist where he advised the Findus group on fish raw material supplies and assessed the future potential of aquaculture. In 1976 I moved to the University of Leicester as a lecturer in aquatic biology. My research focused on the foraging behaviour of fish with a side interest in marine commercial fisheries. I retired as Professor and Head of the Department of Biology and am now an Emeritus Professor. I was a Trustee of the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science, which ran the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey until it was merged with the Marine Biological Association: I then became a Trustee of the MBA. From 2010 - 2016 I was a member of the Science Advisory Board of Marine Scotland. I am co-author of Fisheries Ecology (1982) and co-editor of the two-volume Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries (2002). I co-edit the journal Fish and Fisheries (Wiley).


The ecology and management of fisheries with special reference to inshore and crab fisheries. I use individual based modelling to explore the mechanisms that drive the fishery or the ecology of the stock being exploited.


Hart, PJB (2021). Stewards of the sea. Giving power to fishers. Marine Policy, Volume 126, 104421.

Pearson, E., Hunter, E., Steer, A., Arscott, K. and Hart PJB (2020). Fishermen and scientists in the same boat. A story of collaboration in the UK south Devon crab fishery. In Holm, P., Mackinson, SJ and Hadjamichael, M. (eds). Collaborative research in fisheries. Co-creating knowledge for fisheries governance in Europe.  Springer. Chapter 3.

Kraak, SBM and Hart PJB (2019) Creating a Breeding Ground for Compliance and Honest Reporting Under the Landing Obligation: Insights from Behavioural Science. In S. S. Uhlmann et al. (eds.), The European Landing Obligation, Springer, Ch 11, 219 - 235.

Hart PJB (2019) Fish Feeding and Foraging,  Encyclopaedia of Ocean Sciences (3rd Edition), Vol 2: 175 - 181.

Bergman, E. NorrgÃ¥rd, JR. Piccolo, JJ. Gustafsson, P,.Nilsson, F.  & Hart, PJB. (2014) Atlantic Salmon and Brown Trout in Lake Vänern: A proposal for a co-management system. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 17, 365-373

Hart, PJB, Bergman, E, Calles, O, Eriksson, S, Gustafsson, S, Lans, L, Norrgård, JR, Piccolo, JJ, Rees, N, Watz, J, Österling, M and Greenberg LA. (2014) Familiarity with a partner facilitates the movement of drift foraging juvenile grayling (Thymallus thymallus) into a new habitat area. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97, Special Issue, 515-522

Hart P.J.B. (2013) Fish Feeding and Foraging, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, 2013. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.04097-5.

Kraak, SBM and Hart PJB (2011) Modelling sympatric speciation by means of biologically plausible mechanistic processes as exemplified by threespine stickleback species pairs. Organisms Diversity & Evolution,  11,  287-306

Hart, PJB and Pearson, E. (2011) An application of the theory of island biogeography to fish speciation on seamounts. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 430, 281-288.

Hart PJB and eight others. (2008) Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: Any Progress Here? American Fisheries Society Symposium 49:1931-1946.


I do not supervise.


I do not teach

Press and media

Fisheries management


Trustee of the Marine Biological Association
Trustee of the Secchi Disk Foundation
Editor of the Fisheries Society of the British Isles Newsletter
Editor of Fish and Fisheries


2021 Elected a Fellow of the Marine Biological Association
2017 Appointed Buckland Professor (involves giving a public lecture in 4-5 locations)
2008 Awarde the Beverton Medal of the Fisheries Society of the British Isles


2021 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Annual Science Conference Talk an individual based model of the pelagic trawler fishery

Media coverage

Hart PJB (2021) Handing power to fishers could lead to more sustainable fishing. The Conversation 9th March 2021.


BSc PhD (Liverpool) BA (Open University)

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