
13290 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Migrants experiences of life in UK is focus of University of Leicester event

    The experiences of migrants coming to live in London and Leicester will be the focus of a free interactive public event at Resource for London on 16 November.

  • New book launch for University of Leicester economist

    A new book by Professor Panicos Demetriades from our School of Business will officially launch at Leicester this week, with an event taking place on campus this Thursday 16 November.

  • Type 2 diabetes could overwhelm NHS unless changes are made Leicester experts warn

    Melanie Davies CBE (pictured), a Professor of Diabetes Medicine at our University and the Leicester Diabetes Centre, has commented on the rise in people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

  • Sustainability in food and fashion

    Researchers from the Departments of Management and Media and Communication will be addressing sustainability issues, including how much food and clothing are wasted each year, alongside representatives from the food and fashion industries at a workshop on 24 September.

  • Expert comment Has the Olympic Games caught up with the modern world

    Despite greater representation of women in the Rio Olympics than in previous years, anachronisms and gender divisions still remain, according to John Williams from the Department of Sociology.

  • Environmental insights from the GHOST in the machine

    An instrument co-designed by University of Leicester scientists has spent the past year successfully gathering data on how greenhouse gases are transported around the world and where they are being emitted and absorbed.

  • Historians pay tribute following death of Holocaust survivor

    The Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies has joined in the world-wide expressions of regret on the death of Elie Wiesel.

  • Whats the difference between margin trading and gambling

    Margin trading allows an individual to borrow money from a broker in order to take much larger positions in financial assets and therefore multiply the size of their gains and losses.

  • Clearing Accommodation Open House

    At our Clearing Open House explore the wide range of accommodation at our two locations, The Village and The City - including our brand new Freemen’s development.

  • The Reading Lounge

    Represent Represent Students laughing and reading books Send us recommendations to include more works by underrepresented voices. 400 Dr. Seuss The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.

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