Language learning national event
The Association for Language Learning (ALL), based at the University of Leicester, is organising Language World, the key national event for language teachers which brings them together to share ideas, offer mutual support and plan for the future for languages education.
Felicity James
The academic profile of Dr Felicity James, Associate Professor at University of Leicester
Essam Abo Serie
The academic profile of Dr Essam Abo-Serie, Lecturer at University of Leicester
Recording equipment and all things digital
History at the University of Leicester - Building and Enriching Shared Heritages project. This guide offers tips and advice on using sound recorders, microphones, archiving, and editing sound.
Counting sources
History at the University of Leicester - Building and Enriching Shared Heritages project. This guide offers advice on undertaking quantitative analysis of historical evidence.
Copyright considerations
History at the University of Leicester - Building and Enriching Shared Heritages project. This guide will help you with tips and information about copyright considerations for your project.
Diversifying Publishing and the Literature Industry
Module code: EN2192 Are you interested in working in publishing or another area of the creative industries after graduation? If so, this module will enable you to gain some valuable experience and find out more about the options open to you.
Management Theory and Debate
Module code: MN2018 This module will introduce you to key theories and debates within the discipline of Management Studies.
Module code: MN2108 This module will introduce you to key theories and debates within the discipline of Management Studies.
Live Sociology
Module code: SY2091 Live sociology means going out into the field to experience sociology and practice sociology for yourselves, and Leicester is the perfect empirical crucible for this.