
16376 results for: ‘%s’

  • Advertising Creativity

    Module code: MS7084 Creativity is essential when coming up with fresh advertising campaigns, and this module enables you to be a part of every stage of the process.

  • Migration, Superdiversity and Language

    Module code: ED7717 This module will build your knowledge of the key theoretical notions and concepts in the field of migration, superdiversity and language.

  • Accounting

    Module code: EC3076 For this module you will build your knowledge from Principles of Accounting (EC2076) by taking a closer look at the day to day measurements of a firms financial activities undertaken by accountants.

  • Classical Landscapes

    Module code: AR7528 This module explores the nature and scope of the various sources of evidence – textual and archaeological, for the study of classical landscapes and the social use of space.

  • Introduction to Policing

    Module code: CR1010 Policing is shaped by historical debates and developments, many of the contemporary issues we discuss today have historical roots.

  • Family Law

    Module code: LW3250 Family law issues have attracted much public debate and have increasingly been recognised as key areas for legal scholarship.

  • The Digital World

    Module code: GY1424 Step into the future of geography with the Digital World module. This course isn't just about acquiring digital skills - it's essential for the modern geographer.

  • Core Concepts in Human Geography

    Module code: GY1011 In this module you will use key terms such as place, space, spatiality and scale to study a range of factors that are central to contemporary geographical research - including age, sexuality, urban geography and migration.

  • Accounting

    Module code: EC3076 For this module you will build your knowledge from Principles of Accounting (EC2076) by taking a closer look at the day to day measurements of a firms financial activities undertaken by accountants.

  • Advanced System Design

    Module code: CO7205 Complexity is a recurrent issue in software engineering. Since the early days of IT, building complex software systems has been a major challenge and the problems that it raises often make headlines on the press.

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