Joseph Bartholomew MA
Learn more about our Senior Supervisor of ULAS, Leon Hunt.
Migration, Superdiversity and Language
Module code: ED7717 This module will build your knowledge of the key theoretical notions and concepts in the field of migration, superdiversity and language.
Planetary Science
Module code: GL3106 The profile of planetary science is increasing rapidly, and the role of geoscientists within is wide and varied. In November 2018, this excitement culminated with the landing of the NASA InSight mission on Mars, where it will study the interior of the planet.
Business Economics
Module code: MA7433 The this module is to introduce you to core economic principles and how these may be used in a business environment to help decision making.
Classical Landscapes
Module code: AR7528 This module explores the nature and scope of the various sources of evidence – textual and archaeological, for the study of classical landscapes and the social use of space.
Introduction to Medical Bioscience
Module code: MB1080 This module will provide a comprehensive introduction to the application of scientific principles to the medical field.
Labour Market Trends and Debates
Module code: MN2027 A labour market in its basic form is the supply and demand of jobs and workers. Labour markets are shaped by many different factors: changing technologies and skills, employment regulation, welfare and education systems, and economic and political conditions.
Module code: EC3076 For this module you will build your knowledge from Principles of Accounting (EC2076) by taking a closer look at the day to day measurements of a firms financial activities undertaken by accountants.
The Digital World
Module code: GY1424 Step into the future of geography with the Digital World module. This course isn't just about acquiring digital skills - it's essential for the modern geographer.
Family Law
Module code: LW3250 Family law issues have attracted much public debate and have increasingly been recognised as key areas for legal scholarship.