Puppy power Students Union leads the way with pearls pasties and a new furry friend

The Students’ Union has been busy over the summer renovating its food market - and welcoming the newest member to its team, Vinnie the black Labrador retriever.

The Union has invested £200,000 in creating a ‘unique’ dining experience in time for Freshers’ Week. Weekly pop-up food stalls selling world cuisine, a bagel bar, 1950s pick-up truck-come-salad-bar, deli counter, Cornish pasty parlour and the latest trend in beverages, Bubble Tea, at Pearls outlet, are just some of the tantalising treats on offer to students to help them refuel. 

A wall made up of vintage and modern music amps, dubbed Buskers’ Corner, gives students the chance to sing for their supper, quite literally, as those who book to play a slot between midday and 2pm are entitled to a free lunch.

Along with the new food market, which opened last week to coincide with International Freshers’ Week, is a refurbished Starbucks, Common Room ‘Beach Hut’ installation and a rebranded Union Point stationery store, reception area and box office.

As part of the Guide Dogs 'work placement initiative', a six-week-old puppy is given to a ‘puppy walker’ (or puppy parent) to train to be socially well behaved and confident. Vinnie, who has been with the team since mid-June, will remain with the Union until around one year old, at which point they are transferred to a training centre to begin their specialised training.