Frederick and Mary Attenborough
Frederick was our second Principal and under his leadership it expanded rapidly. He, and his wife Mary, lived on the campus with their sons Richard, David and John.
Engagement expectations
How your engagement is recorded To record your participation in campus-based events, swipe your student ID card against the card readers installed inside the teaching space until they turn green, up to 15 minutes before the start time of a teaching event.
Minister meets life science and space businesses
Minister meets life science and space businesses Cabinet Minister Brandon Lewis meets students and staff from the University 600|Cabinet Minister Brandon Lewis, was in Leicester today (Thursday 18 October) visiting the University of Leicester and the National Space Centre,...
The French experiment of MuCEM
Posted by Janet Marstine in School of Museum Studies Blog on July 30, 2013 MuCEM.
Mukund Janardhanan
The academic profile of Dr Mukund Janardhanan, Lecturer, Director of Education at University of Leicester
Net Zero Plus
The University of Leicester is committed to achieving net zero.
Micorobial genomes
Genome is the word we use to describe all of an organism's DNA, including its chromosomes and any other pieces of DNA it may have acquired. The University of Leicester provides a range of resources for academic purposes.
Event explores developing partnerships for innovation in health
Scientists and healthcare experts from across the Midlands have come together to explore the transformative impact of partnerships for innovation in health and the life sciences.
Serious concerns raised over lack of recorded BAME COVID-19 death data
A senior University of Leicester clinician-scientist has raised serious concerns over the lack of recorded data on the number of deaths of people from BAME backgrounds.
Festival event turns spotlight on Diversity in Leicester
A range of influential speakers will present their views on what diversity and multiculturalism mean to the city of Leicester in an upcoming event for the 2017 Leicester Human Rights Arts and Film Festival.