More oral history online
These online exhibitions all feature oral history material and may be of interest in the classroom.
Air pollution is not just a human problem – it’s also changing the gut of British bumblebees
A research team from the University of Leicester is investigating air pollution’s effect on the gut of British bees.
University’s proud history ingrained in future-looking £150m student village
The University of Leicester gave a nod to its past as it looked to the future when unveiling its new student village.
2020 news
7 July 2020 Bringing absurdity to business thinking: a serious proposal Since the inaugural lecture of the Anthropocene Research Group, we have reflected on the role of business schools at the time of the Anthropocene.
Food Stories – the afterlife of a research project
Posted by Deborah Toner in Consuming Authenticities on November 24, 2017 It’s obviously been quite a while since this blog was updated, but that doesn’t mean we have forgotten about Consuming Authenticities! In fact, plenty of exciting developments have been quietly happening...
Katy Roscoe: Page 2
Katy was awarded her PhD in History at the University of Leicester. Her doctoral research explored the use of islands off the coast of Australia for the incarceration of Indigenous and European convicts.
Report: Linking datasets and articles for publication – cross-linking and workflows – University of
Grant Denkinson's report on the PREPARDE workshop Linking datasets and articles for publication – cross-linking and workflows
NASA’s Juno Mission Extended
Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 15 January 2021 NASA’s Juno spacecraft, currently orbiting Jupiter, has had its mission extended for the next four years.
Lavinia Toso
The academic profile of Miss Lavinia Toso, PhD student at University of Leicester
Alex Keller
The University has learned, with regret, of the death of Professor Alex Keller who taught history of science and technology at Leicester 1963-1997.