The Leicester Medieval Research Centre


Many events are organised by or affiliated with the Centre for Medieval research, and these events are open to all scholars and students interested in the medieval period. We also initiate our annual Richard III Public Lecture, which is held in the city's award-winning King Richard III Visitor Centre.

The Centre for Medieval Research regularly sponsors high profile panel sessions at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, MI and at the Leeds International Medieval Congress.

In the past, a series of specialist interdisciplinary graduate workshops have been organised, designed to expose graduate students and early career fellows of medieval studies to different disciplinary approaches to evidence and interpretation. Past speakers have included: Dr Chris Fern (Staffordshire Hoard Project); Professor Faith Wallis (McGill, Canada); and Dr John Goodall (Country Life). We hope to initiate these again, to include visits to the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge for a coins session. Do send us ideas for workshops you might like.


Spotlight on Research Groups

The Centre for Medieval Research is hosting a set of talks by members of a group of major research project teams which link into diverse medieval themes. The sessions will introduce the aims and methodologies of each project, and share some of the results that have been generated from the diverse strands of each project.

Sessions from 3.00pm-5.00pm. Venue: Bennett LT3

21 May 2024 – Becoming Christian in the Midlands, AD400-1150. Lead: Sue Pearce (in person and online)

28 May 2024 – The politics of bodies in Iron & Viking Age Scandinavia: Tales from an ERC funded interdisciplinary research project. Lead: Marianne Hem Eriksen (in person and online)

11 June 2024 – ERC Domestic Slavery project. Talk by Erin Thomas Dailey on ‘Sexual Vulnerability, Sexual Desire, and Slaveholding Practices in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages’ (in person and online)

25 June 2024 – ERC Endure: Urban Life and Crisis Resilience. Lead: Ben Jervis (virtual/online)

For the first of these, the schedule is:

Becoming Christian in the Midlands, AD400-1150

  • 3.00pm: Professor Sue Pearce - Introduction to Project
  • 3.20pm: Jo Bartholomew (ULAS) - project GIS Presentation.
  • 3.40pm: Dr Jane Ainsworth  -  Addressing the Public Value of the Becoming Christian Project.
  • 4.00pm: Sue Pearce  -  How long did becoming Christian take Midlanders? 
  • 4.45pm: Questions, general discussion (all Speakers).

We hope to see you there!

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