
16398 results for: ‘%s’

  • Crime and Technology

    Module code: CR2020 This module introduces you to a range of critical issues at the forefront of the study of criminology in today's society.

  • International Investment Law

    Module code: LW7146 This module is a specialist course intended as an advanced course on the international law on foreign investment.

  • Generative Development

    Module code: CO4207 Software engineering is a dynamically developing discipline. There are new specifications, modelling and programming languages, plus new tools and paradigms for the development of software systems.

  • Generative Development

    Module code: CO7207 Software engineering is a very dynamically developing discipline. There are new specification, modelling and programming languages, new tools and paradigms for development of software systems.

  • Financial Mathematics

    Module code: MA3071 Quantitative finance is widely recognised as a rapidly expanding market for mathematical and scientific skills. Financial Mathematics is the application of advanced mathematical methods to financial markets and financial management.

  • Financial Mathematics

    Module code: MA4071 Quantitative finance is widely recognised as a rapidly expanding market for mathematical and scientific skills. Financial Mathematics is the application of advanced mathematical methods to financial markets and financial management.

  • Generative Development

    Module code: CO4207 Software engineering is a dynamically developing discipline. There are new specifications, modelling and programming languages, plus new tools and paradigms for the development of software systems.

  • Generative Development

    Module code: CO7207 Software engineering is a very dynamically developing discipline. There are new specification, modelling and programming languages, new tools and paradigms for development of software systems.

  • Financial Mathematics

    Module code: MA4071 Quantitative finance is widely recognised as a rapidly expanding market for mathematical and scientific skills. Financial Mathematics is the application of advanced mathematical methods to financial markets and financial management.

  • Financial Mathematics

    Module code: MA3071 Quantitative finance is widely recognised as a rapidly expanding market for mathematical and scientific skills. Financial Mathematics is the application of advanced mathematical methods to financial markets and financial management.

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