School of Business

Alumni Communities

University of Leicester Alumni Communities

There are currently Alumni Communities in the following areas:

We are always looking to extend our Communities beyond these regions, if you would like to see a Community in your area then please contact:

What is an Alumni Community? 

Alumni Communities are formal bodies (recognised by the University) that are organised by alumni, for alumni. They make it easier to be connected with your fellow alumni, the School and University; be informed of the opportunities available to you as alumni and be involved in ways that suit you. 

Building and maintaining your social capital is a key business skill. With so many graduates located around the world in various industries and professions, the ability to access such a network is an invaluable business asset. Helping to facilitate professional, social and academic events will help hone your personal and social skills too.

Individual Communities can be distinctly different, most are organised geographically but they don’t have to be. They are powerful hubs and a highly effective means of sharing information and ideas – business-related and otherwise. 

Some may be formally constituted, whilst others are more informal. Whichever route a Community chooses there are a few basic terms that apply to all: 

  • Have a social media account and a key contact for Community members to get in touch 
  • Act in the best interest of the University and be mindful of its reputation
  • Comply with the University’s visual identity guidelines
  • Adhere to a basic set of terms of reference
  • Agree clearly defined roles for officials
  • Be legally and financially independent from the University, and able to fund and organise their own events 

What do Alumni Communities do? 

Events Communities plan will likely reflect their goals and interests (bearing in mind that these may change as the group evolves). The most successful Alumni Communities communicate regularly with their members, the University and other stakeholders. They also host regular events and seek to play an active role in the life of the University.

Here are some examples of events that Communities have successfully held: 

  • Welcome to Leicester - pre-enrolment events where alumni offer insider tips to life in Leicester
  • Welcome home - welcome recent graduates home, and support them with networking, careers and local advice
  • Business development exchanges - network and share best practice, ideas and recruitment opportunities – maybe with talks on topical issues
  • Professional Development Workshops - work with us to deliver lifelong learning to alumni and their local areas 

If you have an idea for an activity in your area, then please contact:

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