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Inaugural lectures

Celebrating the University's outstanding Doctoral Graduates

The Doctoral College hosts the Doctoral Inaugural Lectures, which is one of the most exciting and innovative events designed specifically for research students. The lectures celebrate and showcase doctoral graduates who are academically outstanding and who can present their work in an engaging and accessible way to the wider University and the public. The lectures have established themselves as a highlight of the postgraduate calendar and a terrific success with both audiences and those taking part. The Doctoral College is pleased to host the tenth series of these lectures in 2020/21.

The lectures follow the tone and format of the University's Professorial Inaugural Lectures and provide the very best of our doctoral graduates with a unique opportunity to celebrate and communicate something of the cutting edge research taking place right across the University.

These prestigious events also reflect the University's commitment to provide innovative personal and professional development opportunities for its postgraduate research students. Those who are invited to lecture have a unique chance to present their research to the University community, the public, and the media – but it is also a way to make new contacts, develop their presentation skills, and establish themselves as professional researchers.

We look forward to seeing students, staff, and members of the public at the 2020/21 lectures.

All lectures are introduced by the Director of the Doctoral College, Professor Dave Lambert, and are followed by a drinks reception hosted by the Doctoral College.


The Doctoral College are pleased to present the Doctoral Inaugural Lectures, a series of lectures that celebrate and showcase postgraduate research students who are both outstanding academically and able to present their work in a way that is accessible and engaging to a wider audience.

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