
Medical School privacy notice - Kuwait partnership

The Medical School is part of the University of Leicester. The University of Leicester is the Data Controller for your information.

This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information.

What information are you processing?

  • Personal identification data
  • Data relating to complaints (by or against a student)
  • Data relating to Fitness to Practise concerns
  • Data relating to Professionalism concerns
  • Data relating to attendance
  • Data relating to Appeals against termination
  • Data relating to academic progression (including examination results)

The Medical School will process personal data specified above in order to comply with legal obligation stated in the Medical Act 1983.

In addition, the Medical School will process special category data (health issues) or criminal convictions data, police cautions and DBS checks.

This processing will be according to Medical Act 1983 and providing for suitable and specific measures to safeguard the fundamental rights and the interests of individuals, in order to comply with GDPR Art 9 paragraph 2 (g) and Art 10.

Why are you processing my data?

The Medical School needs to be able to ensure that students graduating with the degrees of MBChB (a Primary Medical Qualification) are fit to practise and therefore eligible for pre-registration with the General Medical Council (GMC).

How will you use this data?

The Medical School will use the data to select and admit students to the course; to monitor and support the students during their time on the course; to assess students’ progression; for safeguarding purposes and the promotion of students’ welfare; to allow students to pre-register with the GMC and gain a GMC number; to facilitate students’ applications for their first job in the NHS; and to promote and protect public and patient safety.

Data may also be used for administrative purposes, for example, to undertake statistical analysis and to deal with grievances, disciplinary action, complaints or enquiries.

What is the legal basis for processing data?

  • Medical student data is processed by the Medical School as necessary for the performance of a contract which sets out obligations on the Medical School and the student (Annual Medical School Agreement, PDF 618kb).
  • As expressed above the Medical School may disclose a medical student’s personal data and special category data to external agencies to which it has a legal obligation: for example:  the General Medical Council (Medical Act 1983); the Disclosure Barring Service; the UK Foundation Programme; and other such organisations for defined purposes.
  • In the case of information shared with LUSUMA (Leicester University Students’ Union Medical Association) this is shared on the basis of legitimate interest to enable LUSUMA to match new students to second year ‘student parents’.  Successful applicants can request not to be part of this scheme.

With whom are you sharing my data?

We may share data with the following third parties:

  • Kuwaiti Embassy - which will involve transferring information outside of the EEA (European Economic Area)
  • NHS and Community based Teaching partners
  • General Medical Council
  • UK Foundation Programme
  • Medical Schools Council
  • Office of the Independent Adjudicator
  • University Lawyers (only when necessary for a legal claim)
  • Disclosure and Barring Service
  • LiftUpp
  • Exam Soft - which will involve transferring information outside of the EEA (European Economic Area)
  • Top Hat
  • NHS Bursary
  • Leicester University Students’ Union Medical Association

How long will you process my data for?

Data will generally be stored for six years after your last date of attendance.  Certain information will be subject to different retention periods: notably, a summary academic record and information pertaining to any Fitness to Practise processes will be kept permanently. Please see the University’s Retention Policy.

What are my rights and how can I enforce them?

  • Right to be informed
  • Right of access
  • Right of rectification
  • Right to restriction

In the first instance, please contact the University’s Information Assurance Services if you would like to discuss any aspect your rights in relation to your personal data.

How do I complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office

The Information Commissioner can be contacted on:

  • Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
  • 0303 123 1113
  • ICO website

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