
Dr Tania Arrieta

Lecturer in Work and Employment


School/Department: Business, School of



I undertook a PhD in austerity and the political economy of the UK at the University of Leicester, from 2017 to 2021. I joined the Department of Work, Employment, Management and Organisations at the University of Leicester as a Lecturer in October 2022.  I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK.


My PhD focused on the restructuring that the public sector in the UK went through during the austerity years (from 2010 to 2019). It covered the impact of austerity policies upon the working conditions of public sector workers, the provision of public services, and the sustainability of the public sector.

More recently, I have been interested in exploring the resilience of institutions – what practices are deployed by institutions to remain resilient during challenging times, and the implications of their decision-making. I am currently working on a piece of research, in collaboration with the Centre for Urban Research on Austerity (CURA) at De Montfort University, that explores the practice of resilience of food institutions in Leicester city. 

I am the Research Lead of the Non-Profit Institutions Research Group at the School of Business, University of Leicester.







Davies, J. S and Arrieta, T (2024) 'The limits of "resilience": Relationalities, contradictions and re-appropriations, WIREs Climate Change, e911, 1-8, doi:

Arrieta, T. and Davies, J. S. (2024) 'Crisis Management in English Local Government: The Limits of Resilience', Policy & Politics, doi:

Arrieta, T. (2022) 'An assessment of the resilience of local government in England: was it well-equipped to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic? The Political Quarterly, 93(3), 408-415. doi:101111/1467-923X.13171

Arrieta, T. (2022) 'Austerity in the UK and its legacy: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33(2), 238-255. doi: 10.1177/10353046221083051

Arrieta-Hernandez, T. (2021) 'The Consequences of the Austerity Policies for Public Services in the UK', Studies in Social Justice, 15(3): 518-537.  doi: 10.26522/ssj.v15i3.2568


Policy Briefs: 

Arrieta, T. and Davies, J. S. (2025) 'From food emergency to poverty prevention: the emerging changing function of food banks in Leicester', Independent Policy Brief. ISBN: 978-1-912989-35-5,, Published by the University of Leicester


Selected Conferences:

'The financial resilience of two local authorities in the East Midlands', Transforming Regions: Policies and Planning for People and Places, Regional Studies Association, June 2023

'The role of local authorities in England in building more sustainable and resilient communities' - Towards the "post-pandemic" city? Centre for Urban Research on Austerity, De Montfort University, June 2022. 

‘Austerity policies and the sustainability of the public sector', East Midlands Doctoral Network Conference Leicester UK, September 2020.

'Austerity policies in the UK and its impact upon public services', Social Policy Association, Doctoral Event London UK, July 2020. 


I am interested in supervising undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations in the following topics: 

 - The links between economic & social policy

 - The precarity of the labour market

 - Class & politics

 - Employment practices in public organisations

 - Policymaking & the public sector


I teach on a range of modules at the School of Business on topics related to employment relations, management and human resources. I am currently the module leader of MN1027 Enterprise in Practice (undergraduate) and MN7407 Management in Practice (postgraduate). 






Current leadership roles:

Pathways Director of the 'International Year One' and 'Foundation Year' programmes at the College of Business, UoL. 

Research Lead of the Non-Profit Institutions Research Group

Programme co-Lead of the PhD Training Programme in Management

Academic Year Tutor - BA Management Studies


Previous Leadership Roles:

Programme Lead - International Year 1 (Navitas)


ESRC IAA Festival of Social Sciences Public Engagement Grant (Project Co-Lead).

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

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