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I hold a PhD in Economics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Prior to joining the University of Leicester I taught at the University of Nottingham and Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Spain. I have also been a long-term visiting scholar at Northwestern University the University of California (Irvine) and most recently the Freie Universität Berlin. My research interests focus on political and public economics as well as industrial and health economics. My publications have appeared in the Economic Journal, the Journal of Public Economics, and the Journal of the European Economic Association among others. My detailed CV is available at www.matthiasdahm.com.
I am the Head of the Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting and a former Director of the Research Cluster Theoretical and Applied Microeconomics.
Most of my research uses microeconomics and game theory to investigate questions in public & political economics as well as industrial & health economics. My publications have appeared in the Economic Journal, the Journal of Public Economics, and the Journal of the European Economic Association among others. More information about my research is available at www.matthiasdahm.com.
My most recent publications are:
Dual Sourcing with Price Discovery, with J Alcalde, Games and Economic Behavior, 2019
Credence Goods, Costly Diagnosis, and Subjective Evaluation, with H Bester, Economic Journal, 2018
The Enforcement of Mandatory Disclosure Rules, with P Gonza¡lez and N Porteiro, Journal of Public Economics, 2018
Affirmative Action Through Extra Prizes, with P Esteve-Gonza¡lez, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2018
Semi-Targeted All-Pay Auctions: A Partial Exclusion Principle, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2018
A complete list of publications is available at www.matthiasdahm.com
I am happy to supervise students interested in public & political economics as well as industrial & health economics.
EC3080 Public Economics
EC2045 Intermediate Microeconomics
EC2050 Firms, Markets and & Welfare
Press and media
Any topic related to my current research.