Dr Ko-Fan Chen
Lecturer in Neurogenetics

School/Department: Genetics and Genome Biology, Department of
Dr Ko-Fan Chen joined the University of Leicester in July 2020, this is Dr Chen’s first independent position, investigating the visual control of sleep and its interaction with neurodegeneration.
Originally from Taiwan, Dr Chen completed BSc and MSc degrees in Biology and Physiology at National Cheng Kung University, before moving to the UK to Ralf Stanewsky’s lab at Queen Mary University, London, for a PhD investigating the molecular basis of circadian light entrainment.
Dr Chen’s first postdoctoral appointment was with Damian Crowther at the University of Cambridge, investigating how rhythmic light regimes alter processes underlying age-related neurodegeneration. This involved developing a new method for simultaneously detecting the decline of molecular and behavioural oscillations during age-dependant neurodegeneration in a fly model.
This was followed by a move to James Jepson’s lab in the UCL Institute of Neurology to investigate Drosophila Dystonia models, and to continue exploring how variable light-dark cycles modify normal and disease related sleep-wake behaviour. you can find more information on the external lab website. For Dr Chen's personal social media activity, please see Mastodon
Broadly speaking the Chen lab is interested in two aspects of sleep research:
How environmental factors influence sleep and circadian behaviours?
How sleep-related cellular mechanisms modulate progress of human diseases?
These research questions are addressed using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as an experimental model, allowing the application of diverse methods to identify evolutionary conserved molecular mechanisms.
The group works closely with various research groups across departments in following expertises
Please see the following link for more details: website
2021 Kratschmer, P., Lowe, S. A., Buhl, E., Chen, K. F., Kullmann, D. M., Pittman, A., & Jepson, J. E. Impaired Pre‐Motor Circuit Activity and Movement in a Drosophila Model of KCNMA1‐Linked Dyskinesia. Movement Disorders 36(5) 1158-1169.
2021 Putker, M., Wong, D. C., Seinkmane, E., Rzechorzek, N. M., Zeng, A., Hoyle, N. P., .Chen, K. F.. & O’Neill J. S. CRYPTOCHROMES confer robustness not rhythmicity to circadian timekeeping. The EMBO journal 40(7) e106745.
2019 Chen, K.-F., Lowe., S, Lamaze, A., Krätschmer, P., Jepson, J.E.C. Neurocalcin regulates nighttime sleep and arousal in Drosophila. eLife 8 e38114
2018 Lamaze, A., Krätschmer, P*., Chen, K.-F.*, Lowe, S., Jepson, J.E.C. Wake-promoting circadian output circuit in Drosophila. Current Biology 28 (19) 3098-3105.
2018 Younan, N.D., Chen, K.-F., Rose, R.S., Crowther, D.C., Viles, J.H. Prion protein stabilizes amyloid-β (Aβ) oligomers and enhances Aβ neurotoxicity in a Drosophila model of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Biological Chemistry 293 (34)13090-13099
2016 Khabirova, E.*, Chen, K.-F.*, O’Neill, J.S., and Crowther, D.C. Flyglow: Single-fly observations of simultaneous molecular and behavioural circadian oscillations in controls and an Alzheimer’s model. Scientific Reports 6. 33759.
2016 Buhl, E., Bradlaugh, A., Ogueta, M., Chen, K.-F., Stanewsky, R., and Hodge, J.J. Quasimodo mediates daily and acute light effects on Drosophila clock neuron excitability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 13486-13491
2014 Chen, K.-F., Possidente, B., Lomas, D.A., and Crowther, D.C. The central molecular clock is robust in the face of behavioural arrhythmia in a Drosophila model of Alzheimer’s disease. Disease Models & Mechanisms 7 445-458
2011 Chen, K.-F.*, Peschel, N*., Zavodska, R., Sehadova, H., and Stanewsky, R.. QUASIMODO a Novel GPI-Anchored Zona Pellucida Protein Involved in Light Input to the Drosophila Circadian Clock. Current Biology 21 (9) 719-729
2009 Landskron, J*., Chen, K.-F.*, Wolf, E., and Stanewsky, R.. A role for the PERIOD: PERIOD homodimer in the Drosophila circadian clock. PLOS Biology 7 (4) e1000003
Dr Chen supervises postgraduate and postdoc with the following research projects
1. What are the neurogenetic mechanisms underlying light-promoted and vision-promoted sleep?
Dr Chen’s group uses the latest fly behavioural genetics and live imaging methods to explore wider molecular and neural mechanisms by which the visual system facilitates sleep.
2. What is the clock-controlled neuroprotective molecular pathway?
A major hallmark of neurodegeneration is the misfolded protein aggregates, leading to ER stress and eventually causing neuronal dysfunction. Intriguingly, the presence of the circadian clock may inhibit the formation of pathogenic aggregates depending on the types of misfolded protein aggregates. Dr Chen’s group use molecular and neurogenetic tools to identify the underlying neuroprotective molecular mechanisms of the circadian clock.
3. Can sleep modulate disease progress?
Sleep disruption has been reported in various diseases. Whether such sleep problems exacerbate the disease progress is an open question. Using Drosophila as disease models, Dr Chen’s group addresses whether sleep alterations can be identified in diseases such as cancer and nystagmus, and whether reduced sleep quality impacts the severity of diseases.
Press and media
- Lab Twitter:
- Personal Mastodon:
- BBSRC interview:
The group is currently funded by
- Univeristy Future 50/100 studentships