Professor Jayne Marshall
Head of Midwifery; Lead Midwife for Education; Deputy Head of School of Healthcare; School Director of Education

School/Department: Healthcare, School of
Professor Jayne E Marshall - NTF, FRCM, PFHEA, PhD, MA, PGCEA, ADM, RM, RGN
Jayne was appointed as the Foundation Professor of Midwifery and Lead Midwife for Education at the University of Leicester in 2017 tasked with establishing a critical mass of midwifery talent and pioneering an innovative 4-year undergraduate pre-registration Master in Science (MSci) Midwifery with Leadership programme for aspiring leaders of the midwifery profession. The first cohort completed their studies in 2022. Currently Jayne is Deputy Head of the School of Healthcare and the School’s Director of Education.
Jayne trained as a nurse at Guys Hospital, London and undertook midwifery training at Kings College Hospital London, moving into midwifery education early in her career. Her first academic role was at the University of Nottingham where she held a variety of teaching and leadership roles and was a recipient of a Lord Dearing Award for her outstanding achievement in enhancing the student learning experience. In 2013, Jayne won the Royal College of Midwives Annual Johnson’s Baby Award for excellence in midwifery education.
Jayne took up appointment as the Head of the School of Midwifery at Kingston University and St Georges University of London in 2014 and in 2016, was promoted to Associate Dean for Practice Education and Workforce Development within the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education- subsequently becoming the first Professor of Midwifery at Kingston and St Georges.
Recognised as a national and international academic leader, Jayne has made substantial contributions to the development of midwifery education and received a Gold Medal Award for midwifery excellence from the Chief Midwifery Officer for England in 2022. She was a member of the Council of Deans of Health Midwifery Advisory Board that informed the NMC (2019) Future Midwife Standards and coaches students undertaking the Council of Deans’ Student Leadership Programme. Jayne is also a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Fellow of the Royal College of Midwives, an Aurora Role Model and mentor for the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education and was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by Advance HE in 2023.
Jayne is the Chair and an educator member of one of the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) recently formed Regional Professional Committees (Europe) and is a member of the ICM’s Research Advisory Network. Jayne’s PhD research explored intrapartum informed consent and subsequently her research interests have focussed on pedagogical research in midwifery.
With a substantial publishing history, Jayne is also co-editor of the seminal textbook for midwives, Myles Textbook for Midwives, which is sold in over 80 countries and has been adapted for use in Sub-Saharan Africa and translated into Korean and Greek.
Contact details: and Twitter: @jayneemarshall
Research advisory group membership
Royal College of Midwives Independent Project Advisory Group to the RCM CMW/LME Leadership Project: developing midwifery leadership pathways in practice and education report (2024).
NHS England National Quality Board Effective Staffing Programme Evidence Review – Maternity services safe staffing: a commissioned rapid scoping review for NHS England (Cardiff University – Edwards D, Csontos J, Gillen E, Bennett C; University of Leicester – Marshall JE and Birmingham City University - Hadley J)
Wellcome Trust/University of Surrey: South Asian migrant mothers’ post-natal mental health – communicative practices and needs Advisory Group. (Dr Ranjana Das: Principal Investigator) August 2017 to present.
Cancer Research UK and National Institute for Health Research/University of Nottingham: MiQuit Tailored Text messages for pregnant smokers Trial Trial Sequential Analysis meta-analysis Steering Committee (Professor Tim Coleman: Chief Researcher) October 2017 to present.
National Institute for Health Research/University of Nottingham: MiQuit Tailored Text messages for pregnant smokers Trial RCT Steering Committee (Professor Tim Coleman: Chief Researcher) March 2014 to September 2016.
Research studies, bursaries, grants and scholarships
Price JE, Marshall JE, Podsiadly E, and Marshall-Lucette S, Neonatal and perinatal palliative care: interprofessional learning for midwifery students and children’s nursing students. Awarded £3,000 from FHSCE Teaching and Learning Enhancement Project Funds, Kingston University: April 2016.
Kent A, Marshall JE, Chambers M, and Kay L, Improving Knowledge and Skills in Perinatal Mental Health: A Training Needs Analysis. Awarded £19,324 from Health Education England South London Strategic Investment Programme 2015/16: November 2015.
Polenz LY, Forman J, Paget K, Chambers M, Hickey G, and Marshall JE, Exploring the diversity of patient and public involvement in the design and delivery of education and research within the Faculty’s health and social care programmes. Awarded £4,000 from FHSCE Small Research Projects Scheme, Kingston University: February 2015.
Harrison J, Marshall JE, and Price JE, Third year student midwives and newly qualified midwives lived experience of the acquisition of knowledge and practice of normal childbirth. Awarded £4,000 from FHSCE Small Research Projects Scheme, Kingston University: June 2014.
Marshall JE, Experiences of student midwives learning and working abroad in Europe: the value of an ERASMUS undergraduate midwifery education exchange programme, University of Nottingham, 2012.
Marshall JE, Developing Midwifery Practice through Work-Based Learning: An Evaluative Study. Awarded £3000 from the Centre for Integrative Learning Competitive Bid Fund, University of Nottingham, 2010.
Marshall JE, Informed Consent during the Intrapartum Period: An observational study of the interactions between health professionals and women in labour involving consent to intrapartum procedures, University of Nottingham Thesis (Doctor of Philosophy) 2005. Awarded a Hospital Saving Association Charitable Trust Scholarship of £2000 and a bursary of £1000 from the English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting.
Marshall JE, Experiences of Shared Learning within a Pre-Registration Diploma in Midwifery Education Programme: An Evaluative Study, Loughborough University dissertation (Master of Arts: Policy Organisation and Change in Professional Care) 1993. Awarded Bursary from the English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting to cover course fees.
Recent publications: edited books/chapters
Marshall JE (2022) Medications used in emergency midwifery situations – Chapter 23. In Peate I and Hamilton C (2022) Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Midwives, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, pp 364-389
Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2020) Myles Textbook for Midwives (17th ed), Edinburgh, Elsevier. This publication which was first written by Margaret Myles in 1953, has developed over time to become the leading international textbook for midwives, selling in over 75 countries. It has been translated into many languages with a specific African version now in its third edition).
Marshall JE, Austin J, (2020) Professional issues concerning the midwife and midwifery practice. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2020) Myles Textbook for Midwives (17th ed), Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 29-79.
Jackson K, Anderson M, and Marshall JE (2020) Physiology and care during the first stage of labour. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2020) Myles Textbook for Midwives (17th ed), Edinburgh, pp 447-499.
Downe S and Marshall JE (2020) Physiology and care during the transition and second stage phases of labour. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2020) Myles Textbook for Midwives (17th ed), Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 500-534.
McIntyre H and Marshall JE (2020) Optimal Infant Feeding. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2020) Myles Textbook for Midwives (17th ed), Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 670-714.
Dickens J and Marshall JE (2020) Perinatal loss and bereavement in maternity care. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2020) Myles Textbook for Midwives (17th ed), Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 785-811.
Ransome H and Marshall JE (2020) Recognizing the healthy baby at term through examination of the newborn screening. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2020) Myles Textbook for Midwives (17th ed), Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 814-847.
Knight M and Marshall JE (2020) The healthy low-birth weight baby. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2020) Myles Textbook for Midwives (17th ed), Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 857-873.
Ledward A and Marshall JE (2020) Care of the dying baby: End of life issues and the rights of the fetus/neonate. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2020) Myles Textbook for Midwives (17th ed), Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 955-969.
Marshall, JE, Raynor, MD, Antonakou, A, and Lykeridou, A. (2020) Μαιευτική φροντίδα [Myles Textbook, 16th Ed] - GREEK Translation, Athens, Iatrikes Edkoseis
Marshall JE (2019) Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice: Concepts and Challenges, Edinburgh, Elsevier.
Bharj KK and Marshall JE (2019) Becoming a Midwife: The History and Socialization into Professional Practice. Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice: Concepts and Challenges, Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 1-18.
Marshall JE and Lloyd C (2019) Standards for Midwifery Education and Professional Regulation. Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice: Concepts and Challenges, Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 19-35.
Hay S and Marshall JE (2019) Ethical Decision-Making in Midwifery Education and Practice. Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice: Concepts and Challenges, Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 85-100.
Marshall JE and Butler M (2019) Scope of Professional Practice. Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice: Concepts and Challenges, Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 121-139.
Marshall JE, McKellow C and Muleya CM (2019) Mentorship, Preceptorship and Coaching in Midwifery Education and Practice. Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice: Concepts and Challenges, Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 175-195.
Marshall JE and Kay L (2019) Leadership and Management in Midwifery. Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice: Concepts and Challenges, Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 211-228.
Polenz LY, Forman J and Marshall JE (2019) Change and Innovation in Midwifery Education and Practice. Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice: Concepts and Challenges, Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 229-248.
Marshall JE, Knight M and Cornford-Wood L (2019) Continuing Professional Development and Midwifery Career Pathways. Myles Professional Studies for Midwifery Education and Practice: Concepts and Challenges, Edinburgh, Elsevier, pp 249-266.
Marshall JE (2018) Approaches to Midwifery Education. In Murray-Davis B, Hutton E, Kaufman K, Carty E, Wainman B and Butler M (2018) Comprehensive Midwifery: An Interactive Approach to the Theory and Evidence of Practice: Volume 1: Professional Roles, Hamilton Ontario, McMaster University, pp 180-192 (e-book and print 2020).
Marshall JE (2018) Assessment of venous thromboembolism risk and prevention of deep vein thrombosis in childbirth. In Lindsay, P, Bagness, C, and Peate, I, (eds) Midwifery Skills at a Glance, Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, pp 144-145.
Marshall JE (2018) Application and use of compression stockings. In Lindsay, P, Bagness, C, and Peate, I, (eds) Midwifery Skills at a Glance, Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, pp 146-147.
Marshall JE, Raynor, MD, (2016) Myles Textbook for Midwives: (16th ed), KOREAN Translation, Korea, Elsevier Korea LLC.
Marshall JE, Raynor, MD, and Nolte AGW, (2016) Myles Textbook for Midwives: African edition (3rd ed), Oxford, Elsevier South Africa.
Robson SE, Marshall JE, Doherty R, McLean, M, Botha DE, James S, andNolte AGW(2016) Medical Disorders. In Marshall JE, Raynor, MD, and Nolte AGW, (2016) Myles Textbook for Midwives: African edition (3rd ed), Oxford, Elsevier South Africa, pp 197-242.
Jackson K, Marshall JE, Brydon S, du Preez A, and Minnie K (2016) The first stage of labour: physiology and care. In Marshall JE, Raynor, MD, and Nolte AGW, (2016) Myles Textbook for Midwives: African edition (3rd ed), Oxford, Elsevier South Africa, pp 283-326.
Downe S, Marshall JE, and Tagutanazvo O, (2016) Transition and the second stage of labour: physiology and the role of the midwife. In Marshall JE, Raynor, MD, and Nolte AGW, (2016) Myles Textbook for Midwives: African edition (3rd ed), Oxford, Elsevier South Africa, pp 327-344.
Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2014) Myles Textbook for Midwives (16th ed), Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier.
Raynor MD, Mander R, and Marshall JE (2014) The midwife in contemporary midwifery practice. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2014) Myles Textbook for Midwives (16th ed), Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, pp 3-23.
Marshall JE, Vance M, and Raynor MD (2014) Professional issues concerning the midwife and midwifery practice. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2014) Myles Textbook for Midwives (16th ed), Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, pp 25-51.
Robson SE, Marshall JE, Doughty R, and McLean M (2014) Medical conditions of significance to midwifery practice. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2014) Myles Textbook for Midwives (16th ed), Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, pp 243-286.
Jackson K, Marshall JE,and Brydon S (2014) Physiology and care during the first stage of labour. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2014) Myles Textbook for Midwives (16th ed), Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, pp 327-366.
Downe S and Marshall JE (2014) Physiology and care during the transition and second stage phases of labour. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2014) Myles Textbook for Midwives (16th ed), Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, pp 367-393.
Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2012) Keterampilan Lanjut Practik Klinik Kebidanan, Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Limited / Indonesia: EGC Medical Publisher.
Marshall JE (2012) Pendahuluan. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2012) Keterampilan Lanjut Practik Klinik Kebidanan, Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Limited / Indonesia: EGC Medical Publisher. Bab 1, pp 1-7.
Marshall JE (2012) Tanggung jawab professional bidan dalam mengembangkan kompetensi di bidang keterampilan baru. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2012) Keterampilan Lanjut Practik Klinik Kebidanan, Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Limited / Indonesia: EGC Medical Publisher. Bab 2, pp 9-25.
Wills J, Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2012) Kelahiran dengan bantuan forseps. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2012) Keterampilan Lanjut Practik Klinik Kebidanan, Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Limited / Indonesia: EGC Medical Publisher. Bab 8, pp 107-121.
Marshall JE (2012) Memfasilitasi kelahiran sungsang per vaginam pada usia cukup bulan. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2012) Keterampilan Lanjut Practik Klinik Kebidanan, Singapore: Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Limited / Indonesia: EGC Medical Publisher. Bab 9, pp 123-142.
Raynor MD, Marshall JE and Jackson K(2012) Midwifery Practice: Critical Illness, Complications and Emergencies Case Book, Berkshire, Open University Press, McGraw Hill.
Raynor MD, Marshall JE and Jackson K(2012) Introduction, in Raynor MD, Marshall JE and Jackson K (2012) Midwifery Practice: Critical Illness, Complications and Emergencies Case Book, Berkshire, Open University Press, McGraw Hill, pp 1-4.
Marshall JE and Brydon S (2012) Case 2: Obesity: Risk Management issues, in Raynor MD, Marshall JE and Jackson K (2012) Midwifery Practice: Critical Illness, Complications and Emergencies Case Book, Berkshire, Open University Press, McGraw Hill, pp 19-40.
Marshall JE and Ramsay MM (2012) Case 3: Pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and HELLP syndrome, in Raynor MD, Marshall JE and Jackson K (2012) Midwifery Practice: Critical Illness, Complications and Emergencies Case Book, Berkshire, Open University Press, McGraw Hill, pp 41-60.
Marshall JE and Ramsay MM (2012) Case 4: Thromboembolism, in Raynor MD, Marshall JE and Jackson K (2012) Midwifery Practice: Critical Illness, Complications and Emergencies Case Book, Berkshire, Open University Press, McGraw Hill, pp 61-72.
Marshall JE and Ramsay MM (2012) Case 5: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), in Raynor MD, Marshall JE and Jackson K(2012) Midwifery Practice: Critical Illness, Complications and Emergencies Case Book, Berkshire, Open University Press, McGraw Hill, pp 73-89.
Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2010) Advancing Skills in Midwifery Practice, Edinburgh: Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone.
Marshall JE (2010) Introduction. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2010) Advancing Skills in Midwifery Practice, Edinburgh, Elsevier: Churchill Livingstone. Chapter 1, pp 1-5.
Marshall JE (2010) The midwife’s professional responsibilities in developing competence in new skills. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2010) Advancing Skills in Midwifery Practice, Edinburgh, Elsevier: Churchill Livingstone. Chapter 2, pp 7-18.
Wills J, Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2010) Forceps-assisted births. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2010) Advancing Skills in Midwifery Practice, Edinburgh: Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone, Chapter 8, pp 77-87.
Marshall JE (2010) Facilitating vaginal breech birth at term. In Marshall JE and Raynor MD (2010) Advancing Skills in Midwifery Practice, Edinburgh, Elsevier: Churchill Livingstone. Chapter 9, pp 90-102.
Recent peer reviewed publications (past 10 years)
Renfrew M, Cheyne H, Burnett A, Crozier K, Downe S, Heazell A, Hundley V, Hunter B, King K, Marshall JE, McCourt C, McFadden A, Mondeh K, Nightingale P, Sandall J, Sinclair M, Way S, Page L, Gamble J, (2022) Responding to the Ockenden Review: Safe care for all needs evidence-based system change - and strengthened midwifery’ (Editorial), Midwifery, 112, pp 1-4
Marshall JE (2021) Developing a virtual mentoring scheme for the UK Lead Midwife for Education Network (abstract) MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 31 (2) p156.
Wood C, Chambers M, Marshall JE (2021) Exploring how to enhance healthcare worker wellbeing on a labour ward: insider participatory action research, MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 31 (2) pp170-173.
Price, JE, Mendizabel-Espinosa, R, Podsiadly E, Marshall-Lucette S and Marshall JE (2019) Perinatal/ neonatal palliative care: Effecting improved knowledge and multi-professional practice of midwifery and children’s nursing students through an inter-professional education initiative, Nurse Education in Practice, 40, pp 1-9.
Marshall JE and Ashwin C (2019) The new Nursing and Midwifery Council standards for student supervision and assessment (SSSA) MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 29 (3) pp 277-282.Marshall JE and Furber C (2017) Who will educate and prepare the midwives of the future? The crisis in midwifery education in the UK, MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 27 (3) pp 277-280.
Marshall JE (2017) Experiences of student midwives learning and working abroad in Europe: the value of an Erasmus undergraduate midwifery education programme, Midwifery, 44 (2017), pp 7-13. (open access).
Reeves S, Pelone F, Hendry J, Lock N, Marshall JE, Pillay L, and Wood R (2016) Using a meta-ethnographic approach to explore the nature of facilitation and teaching approaches employed in interprofessional education, Medical Teacher, 38 (12), pp 1221-1228.ISSN (print) 0142-159X (Epub Ahead of Print).
Marshall JE (2015) The power of the lead midwife for education (LME): the role, function and challenges, MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 25 (1) pp 11-14.
Muleya CM, Marshall JE, and Ashwin C (2015) Nursing and Midwifery Students’ Perceptions and Experiences of Mentorship: A Systematic Review, Open Journal of Nursing, 5, pp 571-586.
Petrocnik P, and Marshall JE (2015a) Hands Poised technique: The future technique for perineal management of second stage of labour? A modified systematic literature review, Midwifery, 31 (2), pp 274-279.
Petrocnik P, and Marshall JE (2015b) Hands-on or hands-poised: what does the evidence say? The Practising Midwife, July/August 18 (7) pp 10-12.
Pearson MA, and Marshall JE (2014) Exploring father's Influence on their partner's choice regarding place of birth. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 24 (1), pp 171-178.
Ashwin CA, Marshall JE and Standen PJ (2013) Smoking in pregnancy, where are we now? The Practising Midwife, 16 (7) pp 12-15.
Ashwin, CA, Marshall JE and Standen PA (2012) Exploring women’s experiences of smoking during pregnancy and the postpartum, Evidence Based Midwifery,10 (4) pp 112-118.
Marshall JE (2012) Developing Midwifery Practice through Work-Based Learning: An Exploratory Study, Nurse Education in Practice (Special edition: Midwifery Education) 12 (5) pp 273-278.
Marshall JE, Fraser DM, and Baker PN (2011) An observational study to explore the power and effect of the Labour ward culture on consent to intrapartum procedures. International Journal of Childbirth,1(2) pp 82-99.
Hussain CJ and Marshall JE (2011) The effect of the developing role of the maternity support worker on the professional accountability of the midwife, Midwifery, 27 (3), pp 336-341.
Marshall JE, Fraser DM, and Baker PN (2010) Reflexivity: the experience of undertaking an ethnographic study to explore issues of consent to intrapartum procedures. Evidence Based Midwifery, 8 (1) pp21-25.
Peer reviewed oral conference presentations
Marshall J.E. (2024) Dragons and Midwives: the reality of creating authentic assessment to prepare future leaders of the profession, Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference – Energizing excellence, ACC Liverpool, 8-9 May 2024.
Marshall, J.E. (2024) Welcome to the Dragon’s Den- Developing authentic assessment within innovative 4-year undergraduate Master in Science Midwifery / Nursing with Leadership programmes, Association of National Teaching Fellows Annual Symposium, Nottingham Trent University, 23 April 2024 (Abstract Booklet #ANFT 2024 pp 21-22)
Marshall JE (2023) Welcome to the “Dragon’s Den” – developing authentic assessment in an innovative 4-year undergraduate Master in Science Midwifery with Leadership programme, 33rd International Confederation of Midwives Congress, Together Again: from evidence to reality, The Bali Nusa Dua Convention Centre, Bali, Indonesia, 11-14 June 2023 (Abstract O 014)
Marshall JE (2021) Developing a virtual Mentoring Scheme for the UK Lead Midwives for Education, 8th Annual Royal College of Midwives Education Conference: Resetting Midwifery Education (virtual), 16 March 2021.
Marshall JE, Kent A, Kay L, Chambers M, (2017) Perinatal Mental Health: Exploring the education and training needs of midwives, 31st Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives: Midwives making a difference in the world,Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Canada, 18-22 June 2017 (abstract J03.02 page 127).
Marshall JE and Furber C (2016) Building Midwifery Education Capacity for the 21st century and beyond: A pragmatic approach (Master Class / Workshop), 5th European Midwives Association Education Conference: Midwifery Education for the 21st century – innovations in education, practice and regulation: Abstracts and Biographies Guide, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, UK, 2-3 December 2016 (039McWEd), (Abstract pp 19-20).
East L, Royal J, Marshall JE, McLuskey J, and Appiah-Boateng E (2014) Evaluating shared mixed level module delivery at degree and masters level in nursing and midwifery, NET 2014: 25th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 2-4 September 2014.
East L, Royal J, Marshall JE, McLuskey J, and Appiah-Boateng E (2014) Evaluating shared mixed level module delivery at degree and masters level in nursing and midwifery (013.5) NETNEP 2014: 5th International Nurse Education Conference, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 22-25 June 2014.
Hussain C and Marshall J E (2014) Maternity support workers: what does the future hold? (C401) 30th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, The Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic, 1-5 June 2014 (Abstract p 396).
Marshall J E (2014) Experiences of student midwives learning and working abroad in Europe: the value of an ERASMUS undergraduate midwifery education exchange programme (C255) 30thTriennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives,The Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic, 1-5 June 2014 (Abstract p 252).Marshall JE (2012) Preparing experienced midwives to become graduates through a flexible Post-registration Pathway. 1st Nottingham International Conference for Education and Research (NICER) in Midwifery, Jubilee campus, Nottingham, 7-8 September 2012 (Abstract p 38).
Marshall JE and Ashwin C (2012) ERASMUS student exchange: Enhancing international learning and working in an undergraduate midwifery education programme. 1st Nottingham International Conference for Education and Research (NICER) in Midwifery, Jubilee campus, Nottingham, 7-8 September 2012 (Abstract p 24).
Ashwin C, Marshall JE and Standen P (2012) Women’s experiences of stopping smoking during pregnancy and relapsing postpartum. 1st Nottingham International Conference for Education and Research (NICER) in Midwifery, Jubilee campus, Nottingham, 7-8 September 2012 (Abstract p 55).
Pearson M and Marshall JE (2012) Exploring fathers’ influence on their partner’s choice regarding place of birth. 1st Nottingham International Conference for Education and Research (NICER) in Midwifery, Jubilee campus, Nottingham, 7-8 September 2012 (Abstract 59).Marshall JE (2011) Developing Midwifery Practice through Work-Based Learning: An Evaluative Study: 29th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, The International Convention Centre, Durban, South Africa, 19–23 June 2011 (Abstract p 285).
McIntosh T, Marshall JE, Watts K, McIntyre H, and Ashwin C (2011) Tackling Research Methodologies from Conception to Reality: Five Perspectives (Symposium): 29th Triennial Congress the International of Confederation of Midwives, The International Convention Centre, Durban, South Africa,19-23 June 2011 (Abstract SS09 pp 437-438).
Peer reviewed conference poster presentations
Marshall JE (2021) Leading from the Start: the birth of an innovative 4-year undergraduate pre-registration Master in Science (MSci) Midwifery with Leadership programmes, 32nd Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives Online, 23 June 2021, (Abstract: 0336)
Marshall JE, Clarke D (2018) Leading from the Start: Developing innovative undergraduate pre-registration Master in Science (MSci) Midwifery and Nursing with Leadership programmes, 5th Annual Royal College of Midwives Education Conference, Prospero House, London, 12 June 2018.
Marshall JE, Forman J, Sims G, Gillman LJ, and Aubrey D (2015) The Baby Friendly Initiative in practice: A Pan London Development. UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative Annual Conference, Harrogate, 18-19 November 2015, Poster 6.
Harrison JM, Marshall JE and Price JE (2015) Third year student midwives and newly qualified midwives lived experiences of the acquisition of knowledge and practice of normal birth, 10th International Normal Labour and Birth Research Conference: Normal Birth: into the future, (ReaCH), School of Health, UCLan, Grange over Sands, 15–17 June 2015 Abstract: 1864.
Marshall JE and Ashwin C (2012) ERASMUS student exchange: Enhancing international learning and working in an undergraduate midwifery education programme. Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference, The Brighton Centre, Brighton, 13-14 November 2012.
Marshall JE (2012) Work-Based Learning: Developing Midwives and Midwifery Practice. 1st Nottingham International Conference for Education and Research (NICER) in Midwifery, Jubilee campus, Nottingham, 7-8 September 2012 (Abstract p 75).
Wood CM and Marshall JE (2012) First time mothers’ experience of caesarean section. 1st Nottingham International Conference for Education and Research (NICER) in Midwifery, Jubilee campus, Nottingham, 7-8 September 2012 (Abstract p 78).
Ashwin C, Marshall JE, and Standen P (2011) Why do women smoke after birth?29th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, The International Convention Centre, Durban, South Africa,19-23 June 2011.
Peer reviewed e-learning resources
Marshall JE and Walsh D (2013) Understanding Midwifery within the UK: Nottingham, University of Nottingham
External examining/advisory role
- Nursing and Midwifery Council/Mott MacDonald Quality Assurance Registrant Visitor
- External Subject Consultant and Panel member for the MSc Advanced Midwifery Periodic Review – University of Hertfordshire – 16 January 2024
- External Subject Consultant for Pre-Registration BSc (Hons) Midwifery Canterbury Christ Church University Reapproval, 16 August – 9 December 2022
- External Subject Consultant for Pre-Registration Bachelor of Midwifery (Hons) Cardiff University / NMC Conjoint Approval, 2 February 2022
- External Subject Consultant for Pre-Registration BMid (Hons) and Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery, (Shortened) Programmes, City University, London / NMC Conjoint Approval, 24 November 2021
- External Subject Consultant for Pre-Registration BSc (Hons) Midwifery, MSc Midwifery and MSc (Shortened) Programmes, University of Hull/NMC Conjoint Approval, 19 May 2021.
- External Subject Consultant for Pre-Registration BSc (Hons) Midwifery and MSc Midwifery (Shortened) Programmes, University of Derby/NMC Conjoint Approval, 21 April 2021
- External Subject Consultant for Pre-Registration MSc Midwifery (Shortened) Programme, University of Worcester/NMC Conjoint Approval, 4 March 2021
- External Subject Consultant for MSc Midwifery Studies, Teeside University, Middlesborough, March 2019.
- External Subject Consultant for BSc (Hons) Midwifery/NMC Approval, Edge Hill University, Lancashire, May 2015.
- External Subject Specialist: University of Manchester, Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, for the Periodic Review of undergraduate provision in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work (BNurs, BMidwif, CPD Provision and BSc (Hons) Nursing Practice, Singapore programmes), March 2014.
- External Subject Reviewer for the Preparation of Supervisors of Midwives programme: University of Leeds, April 2014.
- Periodic Subject Reviewer for the Pre-Registration Bachelor of Midwifery (Hons) in Midwifery, University of Malta, May 2013.
- Periodic Subject Reviewer for Pre-Registration Bachelor of Midwifery (Hons) in Midwifery, University of Manchester, August 2012 - May 2013.
- Periodic Subject Reviewer for Pre-Registration BSc (Hons) in Midwifery,University of Worcester, December 2011.
- Periodic Subject Reviewer and Course Validation for Pre-Registration BSc (Hons) in Midwifery (Long and Short programmes) University of Northampton, May 2010.
- External Examiner: Coventry University, for the MSc Global Healthcare Management. MSc Healthcare Management (apprenticeship route) and MSc Global Healthcare Management with Professional Experience programmes 1 October 2019 to 30 September 2023.
- External Examiner: University College, Dublin for the Pre-Registration Higher Diploma in Midwifery, BSc (Hons) in Midwifery and Master of Science in Midwifery Led Care programme from October 2013 to September 2016.
- External Examiner: University of Leeds for the Postgraduate Diploma / MSc in Midwifery 85 weeks (Shortened) Pre-registration Midwifery Programme and Continuing Professional Development Programmes for Midwives including the Preparation of Supervisors of Midwives, from October 2012 to September 2016.
- External Examiner: University of Wales (Swansea) for Post Registration Programmes from October 2010 – September 2012.
- External Examiner: Kingston University / St George’s University of London DipHE / BSc [Hons] in Midwifery from October 2006 – September 2010.
- Midwifery Subject Expert / Consultant for the Health Professionals Academy (Mum and Baby Academy); CPD Resources for Antenatal, Postnatal and Paediatric professionals: Lifecycle Marketing (M&B) Limited from June 2016.
- Associate Editor for the International Journal of Childbirth.
- Editorial Board Member of the Midwives Information Resource Service: MIDIRS from 2014 to present.
- Editorial Board Member of the Royal College of Midwives Journal Midwives: 2003 –2007 and 2019 to March 2023.
- Editorial Board Member of the Midwives Information Resource Service: MIDIRS from 2014 to present.
Peer reviewer
- Midwifery
- Nurse Education Today
- Nurse Education in Practice
- International Journal of Childbirth
- International Journal of Nursing Studies
- Health Expectations
- Royal College of Midwives: Midwives
- Midwives Information Resource Service: MIDIRS Digest
- International Confederation of Midwives Research Triennial Congresses,
- Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust Readers’ Panel and Patient Information Auditor.
- Panel judge for the Royal College of Midwives Annual Awards: 2012, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2021.
- Panel Member for the Florence Nightingale Foundation Leadership Scholarships interviews: 2015.
Doctoral supervision
- Cathy Ashwin: 2007 to 2013 (completed)
- A Mixed methods study exploring the intricacies of smoking: stopping and relapsing during the transition to motherhood
- Dr Jayne Marshall, Professor Penny Standen, University of Nottingham
- Lindsay Gillman: 2013 - 2022 (completed)
- The culture and context of perineal protection in physiological birth: an ethnographic study
- Professor Annette Boaz, Professor Jayne Marshall, Dr Val Collington, Kingston University
- Claire Wood: 2016 – 2023 (completed)
- How can we as maternity healthcare workers develop our own wellbeing?
- Professor Mary Chambers, Professor Jayne Marshall, Dr Karen James, Kingston University
- Petra Petročnik: 2016 - (maternity leave)
- Facilitating physiological birth in Slovenia
- Dr Mary Halter, Professor Jayne Marshall, Dr Lesley Kay, Kingston University(Dr Ana Polona Mivšek: University of Ljubljana as local advisor)
- Amanda Cox: 2021-
- The operating theatre: How ex-military personnel fit within this critical care environment
- Dr Ceri Jones, Professor Noelle Robertson Professor Jayne Marshall, University of Leicester
Doctoral examination
- Doctor of Philosophy: Assessing factors associated with rising caesarean sections rates in urban Nepal: a hospital-based study, Bournemouth University, 22 May 2023
- Doctor of Philosophy: An exploration of midwifery students’ opinions and experiences of the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s expectations of professional good character whilst off-duty, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, 28 November 2022.
- Doctor of Health Sciences of Philosophy: Caring for families experiencing perinatal loss: What do students need to know? University of West London, 13 June 2022
- Doctor of Philosophy: What makes an excellent Delivery Suite Co-ordinator? Views of the Multidisciplinary Team: a constructivist grounded theory study, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, 25 February 2022
- Doctor of Education: Compassion: an exploration of student midwives' academic and clinical learning during their midwifery education, University of Nottingham, 2 July 2021.
- Doctorate in Midwifery Practice: The Midwifery Peer Assisted Learning and Support (My PALS) Project: A mixed method evaluation of the impact of peer support in undergraduate midwifery education in the Republic of Ireland, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2 November 2020.
- Doctor of Philosophy: Healthy eating education for midwives to investigate and explore their level of knowledge and confidence to support pregnant women to eat healthily, University of South Australia, 21st August 2020.
- Doctor of Philosophy: A Skin-to-Skin Contact Facilitating Garment used by Mother-Infant Dyads: Exploring its Acceptability, Usage and Effect on Health Outcomes in the Postnatal Period, Birmingham City University, 11th August 2020.
- Doctor of Philosophy: Male involvement in facilitating the uptake of maternal health services by women in Uganda, Bournemouth University, 2nd July 2020.
- Doctor of Philosophy: Newly qualified midwives’ lived experiences of clinical practice following a direct entry 4-year Bachelor of Midwifery Science Degree programme, University College Dublin, Dublin, 21st February 2020.
- Doctor in Philosophy: Exploring the theory-practice gap in public health interventions: a critical assessment of the potential for Normalisation Process Theory to aid knowledge transfer into practice using the evaluation of a complex smoking cessation in pregnancy initiative, Teeside University, Middlesborough, 11th October 2019.
- Professional Doctorate in Education: A case study exploring the definition and application of the concept of woman-centred care in a pre-registration midwifery education programme: University of the West of England, Bristol, 12th July 2019.
- Doctor in Education: Stories from Midwife Teachers: A narrative study exploring the professional role of midwifery educators 1978-2011: Kingston University, 14th September 2016/7th December 2017.
- Doctor of Philosophy: The effective of a training and mentoring programme for registered midwives in primary maternity settings with respect to managing labour: University of Cape Town, South Africa, December 2012/December 2014.
Membership of International/National Committees/Groups
- National Teaching Fellow – Advance HE
- International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Regional Professional Committee - Chair and Educator Member for Europe Region from August 2022.
- International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Midwifery Education Network.
- Health Education England International Midwifery Roundtables
- Health Education England Future Nurse / Future Midwife Strategic Assurance Board
- International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Research Advisory Network.
- Midwifery Subcommittee of the Wellbeing of Women and Royal College of Midwives Research Advisory Subcommittee from September 2020.
- Health Education England Midwifery Advisory Group Undergraduate Pre-registration Blended Learning Midwifery Degree.
- Council of Deans of Health Future Midwife Advisory Group.
- Expert Reference Group / Editorial Board member for the National Model of Supervision Taskforce.
- Local Supervising Authority (LSA) England National Model of Supervision Taskforce- Education Work-stream from May 2016.
- Deputy Chair (England) Nursing and Midwifery Council Lead Midwife for Education Strategic Reference Group.
- Health Education England Expert Advisory Group - Student Experience
- Council of Deans of Health - Innovation and Pedagogy Strategic Policy Group
- Council of Deans of Health – Network of Professors of midwifery and maternal and newborn health
- Council of Deans of Health Regional Group
Scholarly and Professional Awards
Chief Midwifery Officer for England GOLD Medal Award for Excellence in Midwifery – 4 August 2022
One of 20 Inspirational Women across the University of Leicester to mark its Centenary – 29 June 2022
Winner of the International Maternity and Midwifery Festival Expo UK Midwife Achievement Award for outstanding contribution to maternity and midwifery services, London: 12 November 2019.
Winner of the Midlands Maternity and Midwifery Festival 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding achievement and commitment in the maternity and midwifery services, Leicester: 9 April 2019.
Awarded certification for Outstanding contribution towards valuing, promoting and supporting gender equality at the International Women’s Day Celebration, Kingston University: May 2017.
Winner of the Royal College of Midwives Annual Awards 2013: Johnsons Baby Award for Excellence in Midwifery Education: January 2013.
Winner of a University of Nottingham Lord Dearing Award for Outstanding Contribution to the development of teaching and student learning: July 2012.
Invited Conference Speaker
Global midwifery education and practice – the role of the International Confederation of Midwives, Midwifery Conference: What’s going on? Time for Ambition and Vision, Austen Blake, Canham Turner Building, University of Hull, 12 July 2024. Keynote Speaker
The birth of an innovative 4-year undergraduate Master in Science Midwifery with Leadership programme: the challenges and successes of nurturing future midwife leaders, Midlands Maternity and Midwifery Festival, King Power Stadium, Leicester, 16 May 2023, Plenary Speaker
Developing Future Leaders: The hallmark of an autonomous midwifery profession, Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia Congress, Brdo Congress Centre, Brdo Pri Kranju, Slovenia, 11-12 May 2023, Keynote Speaker
Panel member – Student Midwife Experience Festival, Online, Maternity and Midwifery Forum, (Neil Stewart Associates) 10th November 2021
Building a skilled Midwifery Education Workforce for the 21st century and beyond workshop, on behalf of the Education Standing Committee: 32nd Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives Online, 23 June 2021.
MORA Less: A Pan England and Northern Ireland collaborative approach to practice learning innovation, Midlands 2020 Maternity and Midwifery Festival Online, 14th July 2020.
The 4-year undergraduate Master in Science (MSci) pre-registration Midwifery education programme with Leadership, 5th Annual Royal College of Midwives Education Conference, Prospero House, London, 12th June 2018.
Mrs Myles, Me and the Midwives’ Bible, Education for Practitioners and Prospective Parents during the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries: De Partu History of Midwifery Conference, Trinity College, Oxford, 4th May 2018.
Let’s start at the very beginning: Engaging the public in health and social care curricula developments. Centre for Public Engagement 4th Annual Conference: Public Engagement in Workforce Development, Kingston University and St Georges, University of London, 27th September 2017.
Media coverage
- 03 August 2023 Leicester midwifery academic recognised for outstanding contribution to teaching (log-in required)
- 04 July 2023 University wins award for training in breast feeding
- 04 August 2022 Trailblazing graduates set their sights on leadership roles in nursing and midwifery
- 01 July 2022 University celebrates inspirational women in its centenary year (log-in required)
- 29 July 2020 Professor of midwifery co-edits world leading book (log-in required)
- 16 October 2019 University support for new mothers recognized
- 25 April 2019 Leicester professor wins prestigious midwifery award
- 23 October 2018 University of Leicester Midwifery with Leadership course: first of its kind
- 18 June 2018 Leicester midwifery academic receives national midwifery honour
- 18 June 2018 Foundation Professor of midwifery receives national honour
- 14 June 2018 The RCM Fellowship 2018 award-winners announced, MIDIRS
- 30 April 2018 First Professors of Nursing and Midwifery herald unique new courses
- 13 February 2018 Leicester in Focus Episode 9: In profile with
- Winter 2017 Meet the Professors, RCM Midwives pp 74-75 (members only)
- Autumn 2017 Leading the Way, Gryphon: University of Leicester Alumni Magazine pp 14-15
- 06 September 2017 60 Seconds with Jayne Marshall, Nursing Standard, vol 32 (2) p 39 (members only)
- 02 August 2017 Innovative midwifery and nursing programme development at University of Leicester, UK. MIDIRS
National Teaching Fellow 2023 – Advance HE
Fellow of the Royal College of Midwives
Principal Fellow - Higher Education Academy
Doctor of Philosophy - University of Nottingham
Master of Arts: Policy, Organisation and Changein Professional Care - Loughborough University
Postgraduate Certificate in the Education of Adults/Midwife Teachers Diploma - University of Surrey
Advanced Diploma in Midwifery - Midwife Teachers’ Training College, High Coombe
Registered Midwife - King’s College Hospital
Registered General Nurse - Guy’s Hospital