
Dr Gavin Speed

Project Manager

School/Department: University of Leicester Archaeological Services (ULAS)

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2848



Gavin is a Project Manager at ULAS, he has over 20 years of archaeological experience, having directed and managed a range of archaeological projects both in the UK and abroad. He is experienced in many aspects of archaeological fieldwork and research. He has particular expertise in British urban archaeology, and Late Roman / early Anglo-Saxon Britain.

Gavin gained a BA Archaeology European Union; MA Archaeology and Heritage Management, and PhD at the University of Leicester. He joined ULAS in 2001, working on various archaeological projects throughout the East Midlands. One of his key projects included directing one of the largest excavations ever in Leicester at Great Central Street. This uncovered Roman mosaics, buildings, and a lion key handle. He is a Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.

Gavin has published the results of his fieldwork and academic study widely, and to a range of audiences, through monographs, peer-reviewed articles in national and local journals, and popular archaeology publications. This includes a book entitled ‘Secrets from the Soil’ that celebrates over 25 years of discoveries by ULAS. Gavin compiles the annual round up of all archaeological work in Leicestershire and Rutland for Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society. He promotes archaeology to the general public, having taught students, and regularly provides talks to local societies and schools.


Gavin has a research interest in British archaeology, particularly the transition from Late Roman to early Anglo-Saxon Britain. He has produced several books and articles informed by his fieldwork experience, along with 100s of archaeology reports. His research is in addition to a busy project management role within ULAS.

See publications tab for key books and articles.


Gavin has published the results of his fieldwork and academic study widely, and to a range of audiences, through monographs, peer-reviewed articles in national and local journals, and popular archaeology publications.

Key publications include:


The Anglo-Saxon Settlement at Eye Kettleby, Leicestershire (2024)

The early Anglo-Saxon settlement at Eye Kettleby, is the largest excavated in the region, and one of only a few sites of similar size of this type in England. This volume presents the results of the 1990s excavations at the site by University of Leicester Archaeological Services. These have helped transform understandings of this period, both in the region and more widely, allowing improved recognition of the structural evidence, and better understanding of the material culture. 

The results are brought together to analyse the development and character of the settlement, and the nature of the activities undertaken there. The book concludes by reviewing Eye Kettleby’s place in the early Anglo-Saxon landscape of Leicestershire and Rutland and assesses its significance in the broader context of Anglo-Saxon England, with some implications for future settlement studies of this period.


Secrets from the Soil (2020)

A celebration of over 25 years of discoveries by University of Leicester Archaeological Services.


Towns in the Dark: Urban Transformations from Late Roman Britain to Anglo-Saxon England (2014) 

What became of towns following the official end of 'Roman Britain' at the beginning of the 5th century AD? This research offers detailed analysis, review, and comparisons, that generate models for 'urban' change in England from AD 300-600. 'Towns in the Dark' dispels the simplistic myth of outright urban decline and failure after Rome, and demonstrates that life in towns often did continue with variable degrees of continuity and discontinuity.

Debating Urbanism (2010)

A monograph contains papers from an international conference. Topics focused on new studies, debates, and interpretations on changing urban forms from A.D. 300-800 in a range of European countries and themes that highlight the diverse and varied research currently underway.



At Death's Door: A Scene of Damnatio ad Bestias on a Key Handle from Leicester [with N. Cooper & J. Pearce] Britannia, 2021.

The Excavation of an Enclosed Iron Age Settlement at Hallam Fields, Birstall, Leicestershire. Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society 84, 2010, 27 - 75.

An Early to Mid First Century AD Settlement at Cadeby, Leicestershire. Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society 85, 2011, 73 – 96.

Neolithic Settlement and Special Deposits at Temple Grange, Rothley, Leicestershire. Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society 89, 2015, 1-36.

A pit alignment, Iron Age settlement and Roman cultivation trenches west of South Meadow Road, Upton, NorthamptonNorthamptonshire Archaeology 38, 2015, 53-71.

Remembering, Re-Modelling and Reusing: Neolithic to Anglo-Saxon Activity at Loughborough Road, Rothley, Leicestershire. Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society 92, 2018, 15-64.

Gavin compiles the annual round up of all archaeological work in Leicestershire and Rutland for Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society.

Many excavation reports are also available on ADS:


Roman and Anglo-Saxon Leicester and Leicestershire.


Roman and Anglo-Saxon Leicester and Leicestershire.

Press and media

Roman and Anglo-Saxon Leicester and Leicestershire


Archaeological Project Manager (2020-) University of Leicester Archaeological Services

Formerly Project Officer (2013-2020), Senior Supervisor (2005-2013), Archaeological Assistant (2002-2005)

PhD (2013)

MA Archaeology and Heritage Management (2005)

BA Archaeology (European Union) (2002)

Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.

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