
Dr Evgeny Mirkes

Lecturer in Applied Mathematics

Dr Evgeny Mirkes

School/Department: Computing and Mathematic Sciences, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 5756



Evgeny Mirkes (Ph.D. Sc.D.) is a Lecturer in applied mathematics in School of computing and mathematical sciences at the University of Leicester and a leader of several projects in the Data Mining. His main research interests are biomathematics data mining and software engineering, neural network and artificial intelligence. He has led and supervised many projects in data analysis and the development of decision-support systems for computational diagnosis and treatment planning and has participated in applied projects in Natural Language Processing in the area of social media data analysis. He has rich experience in Predictive Mathematical and Computational Modelling and in finding solutions to classification clustering and auto coding problems. In particular he developed a special programming language for Neural Networks created a theory on geometrical complexity which is applicable to approximators of several types and allows the comparing of various methods of data approximations. He developed a system for online diagnosis of lymphoma in veterinary application (for Avacta Animal Health) one system for analysis of geophysical borehole information (for Weatherford) and has led many other projects of this type.


Main area of interest are Artificial Intelligence, applied statistics, machine learning, data mining, natural language processing.

Dr Mirkes elaborated a new and universal framework to minimise arbitrary sub-quadratic error potentials in machine learning and developed new machine learning methods which achieve orders of magnitude with faster computational performance than corresponding state-of-the-art methods.

The new powerful version of Supervised PCA was developed. This version allow significantly reduce dimension of space used to solve specific classification problem.

Several projects was performed with College of Life Science: with TARN in collaboration with Prof. Timothy Coats and Dr. Damian Roland and with Prof. Thomas Yates Dr. Alex Rowlands and Dr. Petra Jones.

Several collaborative project with Prof. Stanislav S. Piletsky from chemistry department. There were several successful industrial projects with Weatherford Ltd. Bellrock Group SPRINT and other.


Kastalskiy, I., Zinovyev, A., Mirkes, E., Kazantsev, V. and Gorban, A.N., 2023. Exploring the impact of social stress on the adaptive dynamics of COVID-19: Typing the behavior of na\" ive populations faced with epidemics. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.13917.

Gaughan, C.H., Razieh, C., Khunti, K., Banerjee, A., Chudasama, Y.V., Davies, M.J., Dolby, T., Gillies, C.L., Lawson, C., Mirkes, E.M. and Morgan, J., 2023. COVID-19 vaccination uptake amongst ethnic minority communities in England: a linked study exploring the drivers of differential vaccination rates. Journal of Public Health45(1), pp.e65-e74.

Mirkes, E.M., Bac, J., Fouché, A., Stasenko, S.V., Zinovyev, A. and Gorban, A.N., 2022. Domain Adaptation Principal Component Analysis: base linear method for learning with out-of-distribution data. Entropy25(1), p.33.

Coats, T., Bouamra, O., Edwards, A., Lecky, F., Mirkes, E., Sergeant, J. and Ivan, T., 2022. 1750 Prediction of 6 month Trauma PROMS using in-hospital data. Emergency Medicine Journal: EMJ39(12), pp.A973-A973.

van Helden, D., Mirkes, E., Tyukin, I. and Allison, P., 2022. The Arch-I-Scan Project: artificial intelligence and 3D simulation for developing new approaches to Roman foodways. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology5(1).

Brady, E.M., Gulsin, G.S., Mirkes, E.M., Parke, K., Kanagala, P., Ng, L.L., Graham‐Brown, M.P., Athithan, L., Henson, J., Redman, E. and Yang, J., 2022. Fibro‐inflammatory recovery and type 2 diabetes remission following a low calorie diet but not exercise training: A secondary analysis of the DIASTOLIC randomised controlled trial. Diabetic Medicine39(8), p.e14884.

Zhou, Q., Gorban, A.N., Mirkes, E.M., Bac, J., Zinovyev, A. and Tyukin, I.Y., 2022, July. Quasi-orthogonality and intrinsic dimensions as measures of learning and generalisation. In 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

Fehrman, E., Egan, V., Gorban, A.N., Levesley, J., Mirkes, E.M. and Muhammad, A.K., 2019. Personality Traits and Drug Consumption: A story told by data. Springer.

Manso, A.S., Chai, M.H., Atack, J.M., Furi, L., Croix, M.D.S., Haigh, R., Trappetti, C., Ogunniyi, A.D., Shewell, L.K., Boitano, M. and Clark, T.A., 2014. A random six-phase switch regulates pneumococcal virulence via global epigenetic changes. Nature communications, 5(1), pp.1-9.

Mirkes, E.M., Coats, T.J., Levesley, J. and Gorban, A.N., 2016. Handling missing data in large healthcare dataset: A case study of unknown trauma outcomes. Computers in biology and medicine, 75, pp.203-216.

Gorban, A.N., Mirkes, E.M. and Zinovyev, A., 2018, July. Data analysis with arbitrary error measures approximated by piece-wise quadratic PQSQ functions. In 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

Rowlands, A.V., Mirkes, E.M., Yates, T., Clemes, S., Davies, M., Khunti, K. and Edwardson, C.L., 2017. Accelerometer-assessed physical activity in epidemiology: are monitors equivalent?


I currently supervise 2 PhD students as the first supervisor.

I am the second supervisor of one PhD student and the second supervisor of two more very resent PhD students.

1 industrial MPhil student has been supervised to completion.

3 PhD students have been supervised to completion as the second supervisor.

Several MSc projects supervised each year


2021-2023 MA3080/MA4080/MA7080 Mathematical Modelling - module convenor.

2019, 2022-2024 MA3022/MA4022/MA7022 Data Mining and Neural Network - module convenor.

2013-2020 MA3080/MA4080/MA7080 Mathematical Modelling - Teaching assistant.

2013-2021 MA3022/MA4022/MA7022 Data Mining and Neural Network  - Teaching assistant.


Press and media

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IJCNN-2020 JETC-2021

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