
Dr Ali Haghiri

Lecturer & Programme Director of Aerospace Engineering

Ali Haghiri Photo

School/Department: Engineering, School of



I am a Lecturer in Computational Thermal and Fluid Sciences and the Programme Director of Aerospace Engineering at the School of Engineering.

My research interests revolve around high-fidelity simulations, low-order calculations and data-driven turbulence modelling, focusing on understanding heat and fluid flows in clean energy and transport systems and developing low-order tools as used in a design context.

I was awarded my PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Computational Aeroacoustics) from the University of Melbourne, Australia in September 2017 (under Prof. Mohsen Talei & Prof. Michael Brear). From September 2017 to November 2021, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Artificial Intelligence in the Turbulence Simulation & Modelling Group at the University of Melbourne under Prof. Richard Sandberg. During this period, I collaborated with well-known international industry partners consisting of General Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and McLaren Automotive Formula 1. In November 2021, I was offered an inter-disciplinary role as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Infectious Diseases Modelling and Biostatistics under Prof. Julie Simpson at the Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics within the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. Under this role before joining the University of Leicester in August 2023, I contributed to developing within-host models and associated statistical inference and machine-learning techniques to explain drug action.


My research focuses on high-fidelity simulations, low-order calculations, and data-driven turbulence modelling, particularly in the context of clean energy and transport systems. In addition to my expertise in thermo-fluid sciences, my interdisciplinary research spans Population PK-PD Modelling and Simulation, Infectious Diseases Modelling, Biostatistics, and Bayesian Inference. My work aims to advance mathematical and machine learning models for biomedical applications, including drug action evaluation, vaccine efficacy assessment, and biomarker selection.

My key research areas:

- Computational Fluid Dynamics (DNS/LES/RANS)

- Aerodynamics & Aeroacoustics 

- Turbulence Modelling

- Heat Transfer

- Clean/Ultra-low-emission Power & Propulsion

- Machine learning 

- Infectious Diseases Modelling and Biostatistics

- Population PK-PD Modelling & Simulation

- Bayesian Modelling


Haghiri A, Xu X, Sandberg RD, Tanimoto K, Oda T. Improving a Two-Equation Eddy-Viscosity Turbulence Model for High-Rayleigh-Number Natural-Convection Flows Using Machine Learning. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 2025 1;147(1).

- Xu X, Haghiri A, Sandberg R, Cao Y, Oda T, Tanimoto K. Large Eddy Simulation and Turbulence Model Assessment of Buoyant Flow in a Thermal Energy Storage Tank. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 2024 12:1-24.

- Lowe T, Smits AJ, Visonneau M, Deng G, Ding L, Guilmineau E, Sandberg R, Haghiri A, Gargiulo A, Duetsch-Patel J, Lavoie P. Non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers in high Reynolds number flow at incompressible conditions: effects of streamline curvature and three dimensionality. Journal of Turbulence. 2024 25 (10-11), 386-398.

- Kurtovic L, Feng G, Hysa A, Haghiri A, O’Flaherty K, Wines BD, Santano R, D’Andrea L, Drummer HE, Hogarth PM, Sacarlal J. Antibody mechanisms of protection against malaria in RTS, S-vaccinated children: a post-hoc serological analysis of phase 2 trial. The Lancet Microbe. 2024 (in press).

Haghiri A, Xu X, Sandberg R, Tanimoto K, Oda T. Improving a Two-Equation Eddy-Viscosity Turbulence Model for High-Rayleigh-Number Natural-Convection Flows Using Machine Learning. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 2024: GTP-24-1407: pp.1-11.

- Xu X, Haghiri A, Sandberg RD, Oda T, Tanimoto K. Data-driven turbulence modelling of inherently unsteady flow in stratified water storage tanks. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2024 1;219:124854.

Haghiri A, Price DJ, Fitzpatrick P, Dini S, Rajasekhar M, Fanello C, Tarning J, Watson J, White NJ, Simpson JA. Evidence based optimal dosing of intravenous artesunate in children with severe falciparum malaria. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2023 ;114(6):1304-12.

- Barua P, Duffy MF, Manning L, Laman M, Davis TM, Mueller I, Haghiri A, Simpson JA, Beeson JG, Rogerson SJ. Antibody to Plasmodium falciparum Variant Surface Antigens, var Gene Transcription, and ABO Blood Group in Children With Severe or Uncomplicated Malaria. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2023 15;228(8):1099-107.

- T. Thurai Rathnam J, Grigg MJ, Dini S, William T, Sakam SS, Cooper DJ, Rajahram GS, Barber BE, Anstey NM, Haghiri, A., Rajasekhar M. Quantification of parasite clearance in Plasmodium knowlesi infections. Malaria Journal. 2023 14;22(1):54.

- Gargiulo, A., Ozoroski, T. A., Hallock, T., Haghiri, A., Sandberg, R. D., Visonneau, M., … Others. (2022). Computations of the BeVERLI Hill three-dimensional separating flow model validation cases. AIAA SCITECH , 1034.

- Lav, C., Haghiri, A., & Sandberg, R. (2021). RANS predictions of trailing-edge slot flows using heat-flux closures developed with CFD-driven machine learning. Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, 2021(May), 1–13.

Haghiri, A., & Sandberg, R. D. (2020). Large eddy simulations of wall jets with coflow for the study of turbulent Prandtl number variations and data-driven modeling. Physical Review Fluids, 5(6), 064501.

Haghiri, A., Talei, M., Brear, M. J., & Hawkes, E. R. (2020). Flame annihilation displacement speed and stretch rate in turbulent premixed flames. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 104, 977–996.

- Brouzet, D., Haghiri, A., Talei, M., Brear, M. J., Schmidt, O. T., Rigas, G., & Colonius, T. (2020). Role of coherent structures in turbulent premixed flame acoustics. AIAA Journal, 58(6), 2635–2642.

- Brouzet, Davy, Haghiri, A., Talei, M., & Brear, M. J. (2019). Annihilation events topology and their generated sound in turbulent premixed flames. Combustion and Flame, 204, 268–277.

- Sandberg, R. D., Tan, R., Weatheritt, J., Ooi, A., Haghiri, A., Michelassi, V., & Laskowski, G. (2018). Applying machine learnt explicit algebraic stress and scalar flux models to a fundamental trailing edge slot. Journal of Turbomachinery, 140(10), 101008.

Haghiri, A., Talei, M., Brear, M., & Hawkes, E. (2018). Sound generation by turbulent premixed flames. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 843, 29–52.

- Jiménez, C., Haghiri, A., Brear, M. J., Talei, M., & Hawkes, E. R. (2015). Sound generation by premixed flame annihilation with full and simple chemistry. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35(3), 3317–3325.

Haghiri, A., & Bidabadi, M. (2012). Linear Stability Analysis of Pulsating Flame Propagation Through an Organic Dust Particle Cloud with Different Lewis Numbers and Heat Radiation Effects. Combustion Science and Technology, 184(3), 374–405.

- Rahbari, A., Haghiri, A., Broumand, M., & Bidabadi, M. (2011). Distribution of iron dust particles across the unburned zone during flame propagation in a vertical duct. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 47, 528–537.

Haghiri, A., & Bidabadi, M. (2011). Dynamic behavior of particles across flame propagation through micro-iron dust cloud with thermal radiation effect. Fuel, 90(7), 2413–2421.

Bidabadi, M., Haghiri, A., & Rahbari, A. (2010a). Mathematical modeling of velocity and number density profiles of particles across the flame propagation through a micro-iron dust cloud. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 176(1–3), 146–153.

Bidabadi, M., Haghiri, A., & Rahbari, A. (2010b). The effect of Lewis and Damköhler numbers on the flame propagation through micro-organic dust particles. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 49(3), 534–542.

Haghiri, A., & Bidabadi, M. (2010). Modeling of laminar flame propagation through organic dust cloud with thermal radiation effect. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 49(8), 1446–1456.


I warmly welcome PhD students, Postdocs, and Visiting Researchers whose interests align with my current research areas.


  • EG2421 Aircraft Performance and Navigation
  • EG2006 Integrated Engineering Design
  • EG2004 Engineering Experimentation and Analysis
  • EG3005 UG Individual Projects
  • EG7302 Engineering Management Projects
  • EG7020 MSc Individual Projects


- First prize winner (5000A$) of Energy Hack 2018, Melbourne Energy Institute, University of Melbourne/Powershop Australia, 2018.

- Finalist (Grand Final) at the University of Melbourne 3 Minute Thesis Competition,  2017.

- Melbourne International Research Scholarship, University of Melbourne, 2012-2017

- Melbourne International Fee Remission Scholarship, University of Melbourne,  2012-2017

- Best M.Sc. Thesis Award, 2012.

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