Dr Alexander (Sandy) Kilpatrick
Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry and Undergraduate Admissions Tutor

School/Department: Chemistry, School of
Sandy obtained his MChem in 2009 from University of Oxford (UK) including an MChem project with Prof. Philip Mountford on chromium heteroscorpionate complexes for olefin oligomerisation. He was awarded his PhD in 2014 from the University of Sussex (UK), where he studied the bimetallic complexes of d- and f-block metals with pentalene ligands under the supervision of Prof. Geoff Cloke FRS.
He subsequently joined the group of Prof. Dermot O’Hare back at the University of Oxford as a Postdoctoral Research Associate, working on solid supports for slurry-phase ethylene polymerisation in collaboration with SCG Chemicals (Thailand). In 2015, Sandy was awarded a R.J.P. Williams Junior Research Fellowship at Wadham College, for work on multi-decker zirconium sandwich complexes and surface organometallic chemistry. In 2018 he moved to the Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) in the group of Prof. Dr Christian Limberg as a Bayer-Humboldt Research Fellow, investigating low-valent nickel complexes for small molecule activation.
In 2020, Sandy launched his independent career as a Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Leicester (UK). In the School of Chemistry, he is currently Tutor for Undergraduate Admissions, Deputy Departmental Safety Officer, Study Abroad Coordinator, and Environmental Action Coordinator. Research in the Kilpatrick Group focuses on the development of sustainable catalysts for the conversion of environmentally relevant small molecules like CO2. A particular interest is in the synthesis of multinuclear transition metal complexes inspired by metalloenzymes in biology. If you would like to know more or are interested in joining the group, then please visit the Kilpatrick group website ( and don't hesitate to get in contact.
Outside work, Sandy enjoys cycling, languages and making music.
Research in the Kilpatrick Group focuses on design and synthesis of novel transition metal complexes that display stoichiometric and catalytic reactivity, inspired by the active sites of natural metalloenzymes. The development of these complexes stems from fundamental ligand design concepts, by control of complex nuclearity (mono-, bi-, and multi-metallic systems), chemical environment around each metal (donor atom type), and intermetallic cooperativity (metal-metal distance). By understanding the fundamental structure and bonding of these complexes, we aim to uncover new stoichiometric reactivity with small molecules (CO2, N2, H2, etc.) as environmentally-friendly chemical precursors. Our multidisciplinary approach combines synthetic organometallic and bio-inorganic chemistry with state-of-the art spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electrochemistry techniques.
For more information visit the Kilpatrick Group website:
Sandy supervises research projects spanning across synthetic chemistry, materials and catalysis, many of which are carried out collaboration with other research groups throughout the UK and the rest of the world.
Currently active research projects available in the Kilpatrick Group include:
- Metallocenes as redox mediators in next-generation Lithium Sulfur batteries
- Early transition metal complexes for activation and valorisation of CO2 and N2
- Bio-inspired catalysts for sustainable hydrofunctionalisation of organic substrates
- Water-tolerant CO2 reduction electrocatalysts for incorporation in artificial metalloenzymes
Undergraduate and Masters opportunities
MChem and MSc research projects are available each year in the group. We can also support talented and committed undergraduate students for short research projects over summer funded by the RSC Undergraduate Research Bursaries.
PhD opportunities
Specific PhD positions will be advertised on the Kilpatrick Group website. Other sources of funding include: Commonwealth scholarships (non-UK applicants), John Monash scholarships (Austrialian applicants), Doctoral loans (UK applicants).
For more information about postgraduate studies at University of Leicester please see the School of Chemistry website, and get in touch here directly to discuss possible projects.
Postdoctoral opportunities
Enquiries from outstanding candidates who seek support for external fellowship applications are welcome at any time. Please include a CV and cover letter, detailing potential funding agencies. Applicants with experience in organometallic synthesis, electrochemistry and catalysis are particularly welcome.
Potential sources of funding include:
EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowships
Newton International Fellowships (non-UK applicants)
Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (EU applicants)
Feodor Lynen Research Fellowships (German applicants)
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships (Canadian applicants)
SNSF Postdoctoral Mobility (Swiss applicants)
Sandy is actively involved in teaching on all degrees offered by the School of Chemistry, undertaking a range of laboratory demonstration, tutorials, problem classes, and lectures. He also supervises undergraduate (BSc and MChem) and postgraduate research project students. Sandy is module convenor for CH4201 (Advanced Structure Determination) and lectures on CH3202 (Advanced Inorganic Chemistry). Sandy is actively involved in the DLI Teaching Faculty at the Leicester International Institute, Dalian University of Technology, China. Sandy is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
Press and media
I am happy to be contacted to discuss Sustainable Synthesis & Catalysis including the following topics:
- Design and synthesis of catalyst materials for CO2 conversion to fuels, chemicals, and polymers
- Carbon capture and utilisation
- Novel and sustainable battery chemistry
- Debondable adhesives for recyclable technologies
- Sustainable polymer materials and chemical recycling of plastics
Roles in the School of Chemistry:
- Undergraduate Admissions Tutor
- Deputy Departmental Safety Officer
- Study Abroad Coordinator
- Environmental Action Coordinator
Public Engagement and Outreach:
- Host supervisor on In2ScienceUK programme 2022–present
- Talk at Pint of Science Festival on theme “Sustainability”, Leicester, UK 2022
- Stand explainer for Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Berlin, Germany 2019
- Chemist for non-profit drugs, alcohol and sexual health NGO, The Loop 2016–2018
- Organising committee member for OMGSS seminar series, Oxford, UK 2016–2018
Other Academic and Scholarly Activities:
- Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Member of the American Chemical Society
- Organiser of MICRA 2024 conference in Leicester
- Academic supervisor of InnovateUK Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Structural Adhesives Ltd.
- Nominated for Superstar Award by Students Union for ‘Best Lecturer’ (2024)
- Recognition of commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education by Fellowship of the Higher Education Authority (2023)
- Invited Young Scientist at 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Chemistry, Lindau, Germany (2021)
- Winner of Superstar Award by Students Union for ‘Best Personal Tutor’ (2021)
- Bayer-Humboldt Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany (2018-2020)
- RJP Williams Junior Research Fellowship from Wadham College, University of Oxford, UK (2015-2018)
- Reaxys PhD Prize Finalist, Hong Kong, China (2015)
- Royal Society of Chemistry 1st Prizes: Early Career Energy Sector (2013), and Downland Prize for ‘Most Promising PhD student’ (2013)
- MChem (University of Oxford)
- PhD (University of Sussex)