Pioneering treatment for Leicester heart patients has been adopted by other NHS sites
Professor André Ng
A virtual ward to safely treat atrial fibrillation patients in Leicester is now being implemented across hospitals elsewhere in the country.
The virtual ward saw Leicester patients with a fast heart rate due to atrial fibrillation (AF) or atrial flutter sent home with medication to lower their heart rate or manage its rhythm – rather than receive this in hospital. Instead, they submitted daily information using a smartphone app.
Their data, including ECG recordings, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and answers to an atrial fibrillation symptom questionnaire, were closely monitored by specialist doctors and nurses at Glenfield Hospital in Leicester, who made treatment decisions remotely.
Typically, patients with these acute cardiovascular conditions are monitored for several days in hospital, but the virtual ward allowed them to safely be managed from the comfort of their homes, relieving ongoing pressure on the NHS.
Now, thanks to funding from the British Heart Foundation, the work of Professor André Ng, Professor of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Head of Department of Cardiovascular Sciences at the University of Leicester and his team, will lead in a study across three other hospital sites (Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Royal Bournemouth Hospital and Chesterfield Royal Hospital) with the aim of developing a blueprint for nationwide NHS implementation.
If rolled out across the country, researchers believe the virtual ward system could free up thousands of NHS beds and millions of pounds by reducing hospital stay and avoiding admissions.
Professor Ng has been awarded £312,000 funding from the BHF as part of its Healthcare Innovation Awards, for leading clinicians to explore new and innovative ways to improve the delivery of vital healthcare for heart patients.
The Fund's mission is to test and evaluate innovative approaches which will deliver improved services for patients with cardiovascular disease.
Professor Ng said: “We’re immensely proud of the work that’s taken place in Leicester. We know that using the virtual ward platform to make treatment decisions on a daily basis, works for our patients and for the NHS. It delivers hospital level care in an individual’s home and could prevent many people from being admitted needlessly to hospital wards each year. We hope further success will see this rolled out across the rest of the NHS.”
Leicester’s AF virtual ward was the first of its kind to treat acute AF patients safely and effectively using digital ECG technology and a remote care platform. The team won the HSJ Acute Sector Innovation of the Year Award in November 2023.
During the pilot Leicester hospital trial between January 2022 and January 2023 there were 118 virtual admissions, 66 of which (55 per cent) were ‘step-up‘, where the virtual ward was used instead of hospital admission. The other 45 per cent were ‘step-across‘, where early hospital discharge was possible thanks to the virtual ward. As well as 66 ‘step-up admissions, 61 re-admissions to hospital were safely stopped, meaning that 127 unplanned hospitalisations were prevented. This saved an estimated 444 days in hospital for patients.
To date, over 500 patients have benefited from being treated on the Leicester AF virtual ward.
Professor Bryan Williams, Chief Scientific and Medical Officer at the British Heart Foundation, said: “This pioneering project showcases how we can harness technology to improve care for patients with cardiovascular disease. We look forward to seeing the progress it makes. It is only with continued donations from our generous supporters that we can keep funding life-changing research and innovation, helping people live well with heart disease.”