Hat-trick of outstanding Knowledge Transfer Partnerships for Leicester

Two more of the University of Leicester’s research collaborations have been hailed as Outstanding by Innovate UK.

The School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences has worked with systems engineering specialists, Synoptix, and transportation solutions provider, Fishbone Solutions on Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPS) that have delivered impact to real world solutions.

This follows the news last month that a collaboration between the University and PJ Care, a specialist neurological care and rehabilitation centre, had received an Outstanding rating by Innovate UK.

A KTP is a three-way partnership between an academic institution, a business and a suitably qualified graduate which helps companies innovate for growth.
Leicester researchers lent their artificial intelligence (AI) expertise to Synoptix to help improve safety on the UK’s rail network. A prototype device was installed at a level crossing near Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, enabling Network Rail to accurately evaluate risks and adjust safety procedures to make the UK rail network safer for all.

Academics worked with Fishbone Solutions to develop a new cloud platform – the FISH (Fishbone Information Services Hub) – helping customers to improve operational efficiency and enhance their asset management strategies. The company is now able to promote and sell a software product not only to its existing market, but also to other industries including aerospace, defence and marine.

Professor Leena Sodha, Head of the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, said: “I am delighted that Innovate UK have awarded two of our KTPs with an ‘Outstanding’ classification. These projects have had major industry impact and allowed access to new markets, demonstrating how our world-changing research at Leicester can make a real-world difference.”

Sam Farrow, Technology Director at Synoptix, said: “Synoptix are extremely pleased with the award of the ‘Outstanding’ classification. Our KTP with the University of Leicester has been the bedrock on which the company has built new technology and service offerings. The project demonstrates the power of KTPs to connect SMEs with world leading research institutions like the University of Leicester.”

Stephanie Coates, Head of Engineering and Products at Fishbone Solutions, said: “Working with the University of Leicester and Innovate UK has been a fantastic experience that has pushed our academic understanding of how to solve industry problems and offer solutions to those markets. It’s clear that these type of partnerships bring benefits of knowledge sharing to students, the academic community, business and the economy and I’m looking forward to further growing the partnership we have created.”

KTP Associate George Leete led the development of the machine learning aspect of the Synoptix project under the supervision of Professor Ivan Tyukin.

Mohammed Saifullah was employed on the Fishbones Solutions project as KTP Associate under the supervision of Professor Anjum Ashiq.

Both Associates have continued to work as full-time employees of the companies.

For any businesses seeking to drive innovation and create positive impact, contact ktp@leicester.ac.uk to see how the University can support you.