Standing Together Against Hate new animation highlights the importance of challenging hate hostility and harassment in Higher Education

Professor Neil Chakraborti, Dr Stevie-Jade Hardy and Dr Chris Allen from our Centre for Hate Studies will be leading a roundtable discussion on tackling hate crime in higher education at the British Society of Criminology Conference on the 5th July.

The Centre for Hate Studies received funding from the Office for Students to undertake a consultation with a diverse sample of students to better understand perceptions of safety and inclusivity at University. The consultation has informed the development of a new University-wide awareness-raising campaign called ‘Standing Together’.

As part of the campaign, the Centre for Hate Studies worked with Seed Creativity to produce a short animation which showcases how hate, hostility and harassment can affect students at University.

Dr Stevie-Jade Hardy, Lecturer in Hate Studies who is leading the Standing Together Against Hate project, said: “The animation has been co-produced by students at the University of Leicester and highlights the ways in which hate, hostility and harassment can impact upon students within higher education and erode feelings of belonging. The animation is just one part of the broader Standing Together campaign which aims to foster an inclusive, safe and respectful University environment.”

Yvonne Hawkins, Director of Teaching Excellence and Student Experience at the Office for Students, said: “Education should be free from any form of hatred or discrimination, and all students should feel safe and supported during their time at university. With student safeguarding and wellbeing a priority for the Office for Students, we are delighted to be co-funding this important work at the University of Leicester. The OfS is funding 119 projects across England with universities and colleges to tackle sexual harassment, hate crime and religious hate crime on campus and in the wider community.”

To find out more about the Standing Together campaign please contact Dr Stevie-Jade Hardy:

The animation is available below: