Public lecture to mark the 350th anniversary of John Miltons epic Paradise Lost

An upcoming public lecture will mark and celebrate the 350th anniversary of John Milton’s epic Paradise Lost.

Delivered by Professor Karen Edwards (Exeter) on 20 October from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm in the Library of Birmingham, the lecture is entitled ‘Slow Love in Paradise Lost‘. The free public lecture will address the relationship between loving and attaining wisdom in Paradise Lost, between long-suffering love and ‘suffering for truth’s sake’. Organised by the British Milton Seminar, the lecture is sponsored by the University of Leicester and the University of Birmingham.

In his portrait of Adam and Eve’s relationship and of Satan’s degeneration, Milton shows readers how, precisely, love furthers and hatred frustrates the ability to know and to understand.

Sarah Knight, Professor of Renaissance Literature in our School of Arts, adds that "since its first publication, Milton’s epic has been admired, criticized, praised, analyzed, imitated, parodied, dissected – but continually read.

“Professor Edwards’s lecture will offer a new perspective and introduce new readers to this canonical, contentious work on its three hundred and fiftieth anniversary.”

Attendance at the lecture is free, but spaces are limited and booking is essential.