Lecture to ask whether faith can play a pivotal role within financial ethical decision making

The role that faith and ancient wisdom can play in financial ethical decision making in our globalised economy will be explored at a free public lecture on 11 May.

The lecture, ‘Smart Money? Faith, Ethics, Finance in a Globalised World’, will consist of two presentations delivered by Dr Atul Shah, Senior Lecturer at Suffolk Business School, and Dr Mohamed Shaban, co-founder and Vice-President of the International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS).

Keynote speaker Dr Shah will present the accumulation of thirty years’ research within the Jain community unravelling the secrets to their wide and sustained success in finance. This will be followed by Dr Shaban’s lecture about his research into the role of Islamic Finance within the financial structure of small and medium-sized enterprises.

This is event is jointly organised by the School of Business and the Unit for Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement (DICE) at the University of Leicester. It will take place on 11 May at 6.15pm in the Ken Edwards Lecture Theatre 1, you can book your place here.

The lecture is part of the Responsibility and Sustainability in Business Practice events series being organised by the School of Business, from 8 to 11 May 2017.