Watch Leicester academic address EU Select Committee inquiry on the impact of Brexit on Gibraltar

University academic Dr Chris Grocott, from the School of Business, presented evidence to the House of Lords EU Select Committee on the 24 January regarding the unique position of Gibraltar in the wake of the EU Referendum.

The session was attended by Dr Grocott and Professor John Fletcher from Bournemouth University.

The Brexit and Gibraltar inquiry was announced to explore a number of issues, including how Gibraltar’s existing relationship with the EU will be affected by Brexit, the territory’s relationship with Spain, and how to effectively communicate these concerns to the UK Government during the Brexit negotiations.

Gibraltar voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU and there is considerable anxiety on the Rock about the possible consequences of Brexit, not just among Gibraltarian but also among people living across the frontier in Spain.

Dr Grocott gave evidence to the Committee on these concerns and a number of other issues. He said: “Gibraltar has a strong financial services sector, the fortunes of which are strongly linked to those of the City of London.  It also depends upon good relations with its Spanish hinterland.  Perhaps worst of all for Gibraltarians, Gibraltar voted by more than 96% to remain in the European Union meaning that they are trying to secure their future in circumstances clearly not of their choosing.”

You can watch Dr Grocott give evidence to the Committee here.

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