Inspiring young engineer from our University wins prestigious engineering grants

A student from our University has been awarded two prestigious engineering grants for her ability in the field.

Oishi Deb has been awarded a prestigious grant of £1,000 from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and has also received a scholarship from the UK Naval Engineering Science and Technology (UKNEST).

The IET grants are part of the IET’s awards and prizes scheme, which, in 2016, provided over £1,000,000, to celebrate excellence and innovation in the sector and encourage the next generation of engineers and technicians.

Oishi was awarded the IET Grant in recognition of her outstanding engineering and technical understanding and ability. 

The awards are made on a competitive basis and are assessed by the IET Scholarships Committee.  

The IET’s 2015 Engineering and Technology: Skills & Demand in Industry report shows that demand for engineers remains high, but 64 per cent say a shortage of engineers in the UK is a threat to their business. 

If this trend continues, the UK will struggle to find the 1.82 million people with engineering skills that are needed from 2012-2022 (according to Engineering UK’s 2016 ‘State of Engineering’ report).

Oishi said: “It was a great honour to receive a UK national award from IET. I am passionate about my field and actively work as a STEM ambassador to promote engineering to the younger generation, especially females.”

Naomi Climer, IET President, said: “Our scholarships programme is all about rewarding talent and assisting young people to continue their engineering studies. Each year the IET Grant supports up to ten undergraduates with funding for their studies.”

Recipients were celebrated at the annual IET Achievement Awards ceremony late last year in central London. For more information please visit here.

Watch a video of Oishi discussing her placement and time at our University below: