Free online course to tackle ethically unsound research

A free online course offered by our University and aimed at aspiring academics hopes to help tackle issues surrounding ethically unsound research.

High profile cases of research misconduct demonstrate the importance of ethical thinking when working with people in social research in order to ensure that potential harm is minimised.

The free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) ‘People Studying People: Research Ethics in Society’ explores how to think carefully about what constitutes participation in research and the responsibilities of researchers to those affected by a study.

Taught by Dr Jim Askham from the University’s School of Arts and Dr Alison Fox from the University’s School of Education, the 6-week course, which is open to all, starts by exploring what ethics is and why it is important to research through a consideration of examples of studies which can be challenged in terms of their ethicality.

The course has been developed by members of the University of Leicester College of Social Science, Arts and Humanities and is supported by an extensive set of resources for researchers on a website entitled Doing Ethical Research.

The free course, ‘People Studying People: Research Ethics in Society’ starts on Monday 27 February.