Deputy Labour leader cites University of Leicester research in speech at Co-Operative Party economy conference

Leicester academics were cited in a speech given by Tom Watson, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, at the Co-Operative Party economy conference on 28 January.

Professors Ian Clark, Peter Nolan, and Dr Nik Hammer, of the Centre for Sustainable Work and Employment Futures in the School of Business, gave evidence to Watson’s Future of Work Commission on 17 January.

This evidence was cited by Watson in his speech, in which he spoke broadly about the future of the British economy and the impact of new technology on the workplace.

Watson discussed a recent documentary on the textiles industry, based on the work of Dr Nik Hammer from the Centre for Sustainable Work and Employment Futures.

Watson said: “Just this week Dispatches revealed the scandal of garment workers in the East Midlands being paid as little as £3 an hour.

“Researchers at Leicester University, who gave evidence to our Commission last week, estimate that in total, clothing manufacturing workers in the East Midlands are being underpaid to the tune of £1 million a week – that’s £50 million a year in lost wages.”