The Science of Reading to be explored in Professorial Inaugural Lecture
A free public lecture hosted by the University of Leicester will provide an insight into how the brain learns to read and how reading behaviour changes with age on Thursday 16 March.
The lecture, entitled ‘The Science of Reading’, is part of the Professorial Inaugural Lecture series hosted by the University.
Professor Kevin Paterson (pictured), from the Department of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, will outline the basic components of reading and shows how reading behaviour changes with age and adapts to the visual and cognitive demands of different writing systems.
Professor Paterson, Professor of Experimental Psychology, said: “Our lives are dominated by the written word. For the individual, being able to read well is of fundamental importance for normal educational development, and essential for people to function effectively and to meet everyday demands of living, working and citizenship."
- The Inaugural Lecture is free of charge and open to all, 16 March 2017 between 17:30 and 19:30 GMT in The Frank and Katherine May Lecture Theatre, Henry Wellcome Building, University of Leicester.