Leicester academics to contribute to historical documentary exploring The Impossible Peace

An upcoming historical documentary will feature interviews with four academics from our University.

The documentary will include interviews with Professor James Chapman and Dr Guy Barefoot from the School of Arts as well as Emeritus Professors Stuart Ball and Peter Fearon, from the School of History, Politics and International Relations.

The academics will provide expertise on a wide range of issues during the turbulent years between 1919 and 1939 and the events which led to the Second World War.

The documentary, created by WildBear Entertainment and directed by Michael Cove, is a prequel to the 2015 series, ‘WWII: The Price of Empire’, which screened in several countries including on UKTV’s Yesterday Channel and Amazon Prime in the US.

In the new documentary, Mr Cove is keen to explore many elements of the 1920s and 1930s including politics, economics, popular culture, entertainment, music and lifestyles.

Issues such as rearmament, global politics and economics will be explored alongside social history topics like architecture, transport, and the movies.

WildBear Entertainment outline the premise of the documentary, they say: “By the end of 1919 – when our story starts – it was all done and dusted. The terms had been hammered out at Versailles, the great and powerful had signed the papers, the echoes of war were fading and the new age, the age of a hard-won peace, was beginning.

“It would last just twenty years. The twenty years that occupy our series. Twenty years is not a long time. This is the story of what went wrong.”

The makers of the documentary will interview the Leicester academics later this month. Their expertise will accompany archive material and other perspectives from academics and authors.

The series, which will be distributed for broadcast by DRG, will be completed by September 2017.