Former Finnish Prime Minister discusses Erasmus experience at our University

In a new video, Jyrki Katainen, the European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, has discussed his Erasmus experience at our University and what impact the programme had on his professional career.  

In the video, which celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus Programme, Katainen – who served as Prime Minister of Finland (2011 – 2014) - outlines the importance of the Erasmus Programme in showing what integration is all about and how this experience can shape the careers of students and young workers.

He also describes how he would like to see more people participate in Erasmus to help prepare them to face a changing world and open potential new job markets.

Jyrki spent the academic year 1995-96 at our University as an Erasmus student in the School of Law. He has since said that this was a very happy year and that the "experience opened my eyes to the importance of European integration. It really changed my life.”

He received an Honorary Degree (Doctor of Laws) from the University of Leicester in July 2015. More information is available here.

Jyrki Katainen is currently Vice President of the European Commission responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness. He joined the Commission in July 2014 as Vice-President for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the euro.

Before that he served as Prime Minister of Finland (2011 – 2014) and Minister of Finance (2007 – 2011). He was Member of Finnish Parliament 1999 - 2014 for the National Coalition Party.

The video is available below or via the website by clicking here: