Kazakh students celebrate independence

Kazakh students from the University of Leicester have taken part in a charity football tournament at Wembley.

Wearing University of Leicester and Leicester City emblems, the students were marking the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s Independence.

The students are in Leicester studying for Master’s programmes under the Bolashak programme.

Dr Michael Green from the International Office said: “The University of Leicester has been developing research and mobility partnerships with universities in Kazakhstan for the last two years. This has also resulted in a significant increase in Kazakh degree course students in our University, mostly sponsored by the Government of Kazakhstan.

“In March 2016 the University opened a regional office in Almaty, Kazakhstan, which has a remit to operate as a hub for identifying and project managing academic collaboration not just in Kazakhstan but in the broader region covering Russia, and the other former CIS States. The interest in Kazakhstan amongst academics in our University has been supported by the high academic quality of the Kazakh students who have studied with us and also by a very active Alumni group in Kazakhstan.”