Expert opinions cover publishing difficulties political rivalries Donald Trump and RRS Boaty McBoatface

Professor Martin Parker from the School of Management has written an article for the Times Higher Education about the difficulties of being published when writing about difficult-to-classify topics, such as those of an interdisciplinary nature. In the article he discusses difficulties getting his recent book, Daniel Defoe and the Bank of England: The Dark Arts of Projectors, published after sending the proposal to around 60 different publishers - and the interesting responses he received.

James Hamill from the Department of Politics and International Relations has written an article for AFK Insider discussing political tensions between South Africa and Nigeria.

Dr Simon Bennett from the School of Management has written an article for the Leicester Mercury discussing the recent protest against Donald Trump in Chicago and Trump's response.

Dr Sally Morgan from the Department of Geology has written an article for The Conversation discussing how research ships around the world help answer big scientific questions about our planet.

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