Expert opinions cover Chilcot Theresa May greenhouse gases and Muslim students

Dr Robert Dover from the Department of Politics and International Relations has written an article for Think: Leicester discussing the aftermath of the Chilcot report.

Dr David Strachan-Morris from the Department of Politics and International Relations has written an article for Think: Leicester outlining how the Iraq war was only one of the options available - and was taken before all other options were exhausted.

Dr Helen Dexter from the Department of Politics and International Relations has written a Staff Blog article discussing the aftermath of the Chilcot report and the legality of the Iraq war.

Dr Hartmut Bösch from the Department of Physics and Astronomy has written an article for the NERC Summer 2016 issue of Planet Earth discussing NASA’s Global Hawk unmanned aircraft and how it will help scientists understand the way greenhouse gases are transported around the world and where they are being emitted and absorbed.

Dr Saeeda Shah from the School of Education has been interviewed by Schools Week about education for Muslim students.

Dr Rob Dover from the Department of Politics and International Relations has written an article for Think: Leicester discussing Theresa May's new position as PM and Conservative Party leader and how this is a smart choice for the country.

Dr Jilly Boyce Kaye from the Department of Media and Communication has written an article for Think: Leicester discussing Theresa May and if she will bring a different approach to politics.

John Williams from the Department of Sociology has been featured in the latest episode of The Conversation's The Anthill podcast discussing Leicester City’s unexpected premier league win.

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