Midlands conference to focus on NQT support and retention

Education experts are supporting NQTs through high quality training at an upcoming regional conference. The aim is to enable them to continue their professional development, remain in post and make progress in their careers, thereby helping to tackle issues of teacher retention.

Newly qualified teachers (NQTs) working in primary and secondary education from across the East Midlands will meet at the University’s conference centre in Oadby to work on issues in the profession and receive support from expert academics.

The keynote speaker is Matthew Burton (pictured), from Thornhill Community Academy and Channel 4's ‘Educating Yorkshire’, who rose to stardom after being filmed working with GCSE pupil Musharaf (Mushy) Asghar to help lessen his acute stammer, and is an alumnus of Leicester. At the conference Matthew will speak on how individual teachers can motivate pupils and how to build a shared vision within the school community.

The NQT Conference will take place at the Stamford Court Conference Centre on Wednesday 13 January 2016.