Whats in a name

A senior lecturer from the University of Leicester has discussed ‘the politics of naming’ in a debate with the editor of The Independent over the city name: Mumbai or Bombay.

Dr Prashant Kidambi, senior lecturer in colonial urban history from the School of History, is in discussion with the editor of the Independent Amol Rajan on Radio 4’s flagship 'Today' programme.

Mr Rajan has ruled that the newspaper will now be using ‘Bombay’ and not ‘Mumbai’ to describe the Indian city. The name Mumbai has been controversial in India ever since Bombay was renamed by Hindu nationalists in 1995.

Dr Prashant Kidambi, who grew up in Mumbai, is author of a book about the city: The Making of an Indian Metropolis.'  The debate generated a great deal of interest in Indian media.

You can listen to the piece here (2:42:45) (until 10th March 2016) or read this article about the story.