Leicester celebrates World Book Night

To celebrate World Book Night, this year the University successfully applied to be a volunteer institution, and hand out out books to share a love of reading with those in the local community

Since 2011, over two million books have been given away by thousands of volunteers to people around the country on World Book Night.

Kate Williams from the Department of Health Sciences and Henrietta O’Connor of the Department of Sociology, went down to Avenue Primary School to share books with  parents and children.

Avenue Primary School is a multicultural community school for children aged 3-11 years. Schools on the site, less than a mile from the University, have served the local area for over 100 years.

Teachers, Mrs Wicks and Mrs Underwood, along with five enthusiastic year 6 pupils straight out of a reading lesson, volunteered to give out books to celebrate World Book Night.

The pupils explained that the event was set up with the aim to encourage more people to read for pleasure.Image 2.png

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