Lad culture in education promotes misogynistic messages researchers say

Researchers will be debating the rise of ‘lad culture’ in education and how it promotes a ‘nexus of sexism’ at an upcoming free public event on 22 June.

Organised by Dr Kaitlynn Mendes (pictured) and Professor Helen Wood from the Department of Media and Communication and the University's Media and Gender Research Group, the event will explore ways in which the media perpetuates sexism in schools and how educational institutions can challenge the prevalence of sexualised ‘banter’, ‘sexting’ and revenge porn.

The Media and Gender Research Group at the University of Leicester and the MeCCSA Women’s Media Studies Network will bring together a number of key thinkers to debate the evolving role of media technologies at the nexus of sexism and education.

Dr Mendes said: “In light of the growing awareness of sexism in our education systems - from the rise of ‘sexting’, revenge porn, and general 'lad culture', it is necessary to explore the media's role in both perpetuating and abolishing these discriminatory and harmful practices. We hope people who attend this event leave with an understanding of what some students experience, and how we can help make our schools and universities safer and more equitable spaces.”

The event will take place on 22 June at 4:00pm at Bankfield House Lecture Theatre, 132 New Walk, Leicester. To book a place contact