Blazing Car Murder update

The search continues to identify a man who died in a burning car almost 85 years ago.

In October, we reported that progress had been made in the investigation to try and identify the victim of a car fire in Northamptonshire in 1930.

The case, which proved that a missing man William Briggs was not the Blazing Car Murder victim, featured on The One Show last year and prompted 15 families to contact the University.

Dr John Bond, from our Department of Criminology, and his team whittled the cases down to nine possible victims.

Each family was put forward for DNA testing, but scientists are still in search of a match.

Dr Bond told the BBC that he would be carrying on with the investigation.

"We have processed the DNA from these nine families and, unfortunately, it is very unlikely any of them are a match to the victim.

"That said, we have two other families who have come forward, so the search continues.

"When we have sufficient families, we will run another batch of tests."