Museum Studies at Leicester
Completed PhD research
Our postgraduate researchers come from all over the world and they research and write about museums from all over the world. Many of them have gone on to become professors and leading academics in a range of disciplines. Others are senior museum professionals. The following list includes past research students and links to their thesis. Browse the list and explore the links, to get a flavour of the range of doctoral research that takes place in the School of Museum Studies, and be inspired for your own doctoral journey.
Mingshi Cui - Displacement Revisited — Rethinking the Social Role of Digitisation in Museum Practice
Supervisor: Giasemi Vavoula
Sofia Katharaki - Emotional Narratives at Holocaust Exhibitions in the UK: Exploring Visitors’ Engagement and Experience
Supervisor: Sheila Watson
Blaire Moskowitz - Exploring the Expert Web Understanding Interactions Between Museums and Online Communities
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Torhild Skatun - Science, Identity and Belonging: Engaging through co-design with young people at a science museum: a qualitative study of process
Supervisor: Giasemi Vavoula
Anna Tulliach - Art and War – Anglo-American Troops in Italy (1943-45)
Supervisor: Stacy Boldrick
Stefania Zardini Lacedelli - The Museum as a Platform for Sound Culture
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Yang Chen - Exhibitionary Spaces in Japanese Art, 1860s-1970s: Models, Terminologies and Territories
Supervisor: Isobel Whitelegg
Thomas Duncan - Developing museum and exhibition design through practice-centred study and application of narrative theory and film
Supervisor: Suzanne MacLeod
Gina Wouters - The Relativity of Relevance: How Artists Are Serving as a Catalyst for Organizational Change in Historic House Museums
Supervisor: Stacy Boldrick
Lingling Xie - Design and enterprise in contemporary China: A new role for museums and heritage
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Olatunde Barber - Modernity and Identity: The National Gallery of Modern Art Lagos (NGMAL) and the Politics of Nation Making
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Abbey Ellis - “The Castness of the Things”: A Visitor’s-Eye View of Value in the Cast Gallery of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Blanca Jove Alcalde - Thinking institutional frameworks with care: The relation between participation and authorship in discursive public programmes
Supervisor: Isobel Whitelegg
Yahao Wang - Representing ethnic minority cultures in China: Museums, heritage, and ethnic minority groups
Supervisor: Stacy Boldrick
Kristina Wright - Transcultural Encounters between Asia and Africa: Experiencing ‘otherness’ through the arts in Seoul and Nairobi
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Cesare Cuzzola - Materiality in the Socially Engaged Museum: The role of collections within socially purposeful museum practice at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Jennifer Durrant - Disposal from Museum Collections: Navigating the ethos, ideals, and practice of transparency
Supervisor: Janet Marstine
Gee Sun Hahn - Korean Museums, Intangible Heritage and the formation of national identity
Supervisor: Sheila Watson
Jennifer Hunt - Beyond the Stereotype: Representing Disability in the National Museums of Great Britain
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Wen-Yi Liu - Dark Heritage Sites and Impacts on Visitors’ Engagements with the Past in Taiwan
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Lanzhou Luo - Museums and Heritage in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1979
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Chiara Marabelli - Original Copies? Readdressing the Value of Classical Cast Collections in Contemporary Museum Practices
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Mari Moystad - Lived experiences in museums: Engaging visitors’ hearts and minds
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Daniel Turetsky - Ritual objects, spiritual heritage and the museum space between: Examining the curatorial formation of intangible heritage narratives for faith-based exhibits in Israel museums
Supervisor: Lisanne Gibson
Sophie Kazan - Dialogues of tradition and modernity: The development of contemporary art in the United Arab Emirates
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Sumi Kim - Curating Culture, Exhibiting Nation: The Development of South Korea’s Cultural Diplomacy and Korean Exhibitions in ‘Universal’ Museums
Supervisor: Lisanne Gibson
Kuan-Yin Liu - Understanding the Organisational Hybridity of Cultural and Art Organisations: The Case of Contemporary Art Spaces in Taiwan
Supervisor: Janet Marstine
Jingyu Peng - How Did That Interactive Make You Feel? Towards a framework for evaluating the emotional and sensory experience of next generation in-gallery technology
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Ainul Wahida Radzuan - The Roots of Intangible Cultural Heritage amongst the Malays of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia: The Customary Law of Adat Perpatih
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Amornchat Sermcheep - London Transport posters: from publicity materials to museum exhibits
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Chanin Suriyakul Na Ayudhya - Interpretive Synergies Between Science And Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Case Study Of Communicating Knowledge About Thai Rice Farming In A Science Museum
Supervisor: Giasemi Vavoula
Aikaterini Vlachaki - Towards Participation in Museum Architecture
Supervisor: Suzanne MacLeod
Dana Saif Almazrouei - UAE Museums Integrating Female Empowerment Approaches to Capture Marginalized Emirati Women’s’ Voices For Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage
Supervisor: Nuala Morse
Aisha Almisnad Almohannadi - Museum Silences on Wartime Rape: The Case of the Imperial War Museum
Supervisor: Nuala Morse
Simon Atkinson - Recoding Heritage Sites as Non-Formal Learning Institutions: enabling the self-directed adult learner.
Supervisor: Giasemi Vavoula
Laurence Brasseur - Decentring the Museum: Examining Young People’s Perceptions and Experiences from a Sociocultural Perspective.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Samantha Fabry - Protecting the protected: World Heritage Sites and collections; defining, recognising and protecting Outstanding Universal Value in its entirety.
Supervisor: Suzanne MacLeod
Armand De Filippo - Outside and beyond: the manuscript as object and the implications for interpretive settings.
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Yeung Yeung Fok - Cultural Heritage Policy, Civil Society and Identity in Hong Kong.
Supervisor: Lisanne Gibson
Louisa Kramer - Management Practice Supporting Sustainable Development in the German Art Collection.
Supervisor: Lisanne Gibson
Kate McPhail - Feminist Art Histories and Masculinity: Reading the Mainstream Art Museum.
Supervisor: Suzanne MacLeod
Elena Settimini - Cultural landscape and living heritage in the Vineyard Landscape of Langhe-Roero and Monferrato.
Supervisor: Lisanne Gibson
Naomi Terry - ‘Betwixt and Between’: Exploring Invisibility and Narrating Mixed-Race Identity in UK Museums.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Zoi Tsiviltidou - The DiStoMusInq framework: Digital storytelling for students’ inquiry-based museum learning.
Supervisor: Giasemi Vavoula
Lauren Vargas - Understanding museum digital maturity through data collection and use.
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Peter Annhernu - The assembly of museum media: Tracing the adoption of novel forms and formats of communications technology into museum media production.
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Simon Paul Atkinson - Recoding Heritage Sites as Non-Formal Learning Institutions: enabling the self-directed adult learner.
Supervisor: Giasemi Vavoula
Natasha Barrett - Meshworks of meanings: photographs of Māori and their taonga.
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Jen Bergevin - Narratives of Transformation: Reframing and naming the impact of activist museum practice on visitors.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Katherine L. Bunning - Reframing ‘Culturally Specific Museums’: The Emergence of Rights-Based Museums in the United States.
Supervisor: Lisanne Gibson
Peter Lester - Reshaping the Archive: Exhibition as a mechanism for change.
Supervisor: Suzanne MacLeod
Martina Santillan - The Conflicting Relationship between Socially Engaged Art Practice and Museums through the Eyes of Mexico City Artists.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Oonagh Quigley - Engaging object visitor encounters at the museum: a phenomenological approach.
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Zheng Zhang - New Ways Of Sharing: A Relational Approach To Understanding The Groundwork For Sino-Japanese Repatriation.
Supervisor: Janet Marstine
Wijitra suriyakul na Ayudhya - Supporting Family Learning in Thailand's National Science Museum: Design and Evaluation of Mobile Tools.
Supervisor: Giasemi Vavoula
Lesley Barker - Repurposing Museum Interpretation in American Historic House Museums.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Ashild Brekke - Changing practices - a qualitative study of drivers for change in Norwegian museums and archives.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Laura Crossley - Feeling the Squeeze and Doing It Anyway: Community Engagement in English Museums, 2013 - 2014.
Supervisor: Sheila Watson
Victoria Hollows - Trust in the Museum: Aligning the internal and external values of the organisation.
Supervisor: Janet Marstine
Sarah Hughes - Understanding Cultural Participation and Value in Barnsley.
Supervisor: Lisanne Gibson
Ariane Karbe - Learning from Hollywood? Narrating exhibitions with suspense.
Supervisor: Suzanne MacLeod
Yon Jai Kim - The Making of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), South Korea, 1969-2016.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Wen-ling (Melody) Lin - Understanding Organisational Change in Museums: An Investigation of Evolving Museum Priorities and Practices at The National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Mercy McCann - Networks, relationships and social change: reimaging the museum as a key actor in a system of social progress and responsibility. A case study of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Victoria McGuinness - Open Project Management (OPM): People, Purpose, and Museum Projects.
Supervisor: Sheila Watson
Anna Mikhaylova - Spatial evolution of a museum building: the case of the State Historical Museum in Moscow (1875-1997).
Supervisor: Suzanne MacLeod
Pal Negyesi - How The Motor Museum Saw The Automobile: Curating The Automobile As Commodity, As Design And As Social History In Germany And Austria In The 20th Century – From National Identity To Mobility.
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Sarah Plumb - How might the experiences and perspectives of community participants collaborating in socially engaged art practices be heard, considered and equally valued alongside those of the artist and gallery? What ethical implications for the artist and the gallery arise when community participants’ experiences are considered in this way?
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Raivis Simansons - Europe’s Journey to Modernity: Developing the House of European History in Brussels.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Ruth Webber - Picturing Home: exploring the everyday homemaking practices of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women in Glasgow.
Supervisor: Lisanne Gibson
Brenda Judith Caro Cocotle - University museums: Border-crossing territories? The institutional boundary between university and university museum as complex territories.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Laura Diaz - Feminist curatorial interventions in museums and organisational change: transforming the museum from a feminist perspective.
Supervisor: Janet Marstine
Marin Freya Hanson - Quilts in between: The material culture of commemorative community patchwork made for Chinese adoptees in the U.S.
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Ching-Yueh Hsieh - Exhibiting minority culture: An exploration of exhibitions of lndigenous culture in museums of Taiwan.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Isabel Margarida Teixeira Monteiro Melo - Identity Work in Portuguese Local Museums: Exploring Adult Engagement and Experiences.
Supervisors: Viv Golding and Sheila Watson
Plumb, S - How might the experiences and perspectives of community participants collaborating in socially engaged art practices be heard, considered and equally valued alongside those of the artist and gallery? What ethical implications for the artist and the gallery arise when community participants’ experiences are considered in this way?
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Stefania Savva - The potential of a museum-school partnership to support diversity and multiliteracies-based pedagogy for the 21st century.
Supervisor: Viv Golding
Cheng-Yi Shih - Museum making in Taiwan: Exploring the production of museum architecture from the perspective of design and use.
Supervisor: Suzanne MacLeod
Kathleen Pirrie Adams - When media becomes form: Declining conventions of materiality, space, and audience in the popular music museum.
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Mona Ali - Rethinking visitor studies for the United Arab Emirates: Sharjah Museums as case study.
Supervisor: Sheila Watson
Laurel Louise Brierly - Recreating revolutionary roles: How preadolescent students explore the Boston Tea Party through theatre.
Supervisor: Viv Golding
Romina Delia - Life is a play and the museum is its stage: Contemporary immersive performance in the Baroque Palace.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Haitham Abdelrazek Eid - The museum innovation model: A museum perspective on open innovation, social enterprise and social innovation.
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Petrina Foti - The 'Black Box Conundrum': Agile curation at the Museums of the Smithsonian Institution 2016.
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Catharina Hendrick - The agile museum: Organisational change through collecting ‘new media art’.
Supervisor: Janet Marstine
Amy Hetherington - Designing for the Post-Millennials: What assumptions are made by staff in museums about child digital literacy when designing digital interactives?
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Kirstin James - Gifting culture: Comparing display practice at the British Museum and the Pitt Rivers Museum.
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Da Kong - Imaging China: China’s cultural diplomacy through loan exhibitions to British museums.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Shih-hui Li - New national history and the shaping of Taiwanese identity: representing Taiwan at the National Museum of Taiwan History.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Chungju (Ahlua) Lin - Special exhibitions and national museums in Taiwan: an investigation.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Cintia Velazquez - Understanding the past in the history museum. Visitor research in two Mexican Museum.
Supervisor: Sheila Watson
Elena Villaespesa Cantalapiedra - Measuring social media success: The value of the balanced scorecard as a tool for evaluation and strategic management in museums.
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Alexandra Woodall - Sensory engagements with objects in art galleries: material interpretation and theological metaphor.
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Stephanie Bowry - Re-thinking the curiosity cabinet: A study of visual representation in early and post Modernity.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Jennifer Jankauskas - Acquiring contemporary art in today’s global market: collecting strategies at small, mid-sized and regional American museums.
Supervisor: Suzanne MacLeod
Elee Kirk - Crystal teeth and skeleton eggs: snapshots of young children’s experiences in a natural history museum.
Supervisor: Viv Golding
Sang Hoon Jang - A representation of nationhood: the National Museum of Korea.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Ashraf Melika - Pharonic material culture and identity formation in contemporary Egyptian society.
Supervisors: Sandra Dudley, Simon Knell
Masanori Oki - A comparative study of professional association in the museum sectors of Britain and Japan.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Geun-tae Park - The role of cultural development in urban strategy: the hub city of Asian culture in Gwangju, Korea.
Supervisor: Lisanne Gibson
Chulani Rambukwella - Heritage representation in culturally diverse societies : a case study of the Colombo National Museum in Sri Lanka.
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Briley Rasmussen - Pedagogy for the modern: Victor D'Amica and the Museum of Modern Art, 1929-1969.
Supervisor: Suzanne MacLeod
Mette Houlberg - Negotiating experiences visiting statens museum for kunst.
Supervisor: Viv Golding
Maria Tseliou - Museums and heteronormativity : exploring the effects of inclusive interpretive strategies.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Helen Wilkinson - Negotiating change : curatorial practice in UK museums, 1960-2001.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Jeremy Ottevanger - Sustaining digital products in the museum sector: Balancing value and resources through good decisions.
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Barbara Ann Rothermel - The university art museum and interdisciplinary faculty collaboration.
Supervisor: Suzanne MacLeod
Jennifer Binnie - Perception and well being: A cross-disciplinary approach to experiencing art in the museum.
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Alan M Kirwan - Museums in the construction of a diverse and inclusive Ireland.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Heather Hollins - How can disabled people be empowered to influence decision-making in museums.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Serena Iervolino - Ethnographic museums in mutation experiments with exhibitionary practices in post-colonial Europe.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Afshan Heuer - Darwin and the evolution revolution: Audiences, culture, worldview, transformative learning.
Supervisor: Viv Golding
Andrew Wulf - Make-believe America: the crucial years of US cultural diplomacy through international exhibitions, 1955-1975.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Gudrun Whitehead - How the Viking myth is created in museums and how it impacts society.
Supervisor: Sheila Watson
Jennifer A. Walklate - Timescapes : the production of temporality in literature and museums.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Donna McFarlane - Representing blackness: Marcus Garvey and the politics of museology in post-colonial Jamaica.
Supervisor: Viv Golding
Ceri Jones - An illusion that makes the past seem real: the potential of living history for developing the historical consciousness of young people.
Supervisor: Sheila Watson
Julia Petrov - Dressing ghosts: Museum exhibitions of historical fashion in Britain and North America.
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Alex Whitfield. Digital ethics: Sacred devotional objects on display in the online museum.
Supervisors: Ross Parry, Sandra Dudley
Cristina Lleras Figueroa - Towards new narratives of the multicultural nation: Negotiating difference in the national museum of Columbia.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Yuka Shimamura-Willcocks - Social inclusion and museums: Understanding self and other in the context of Japanese society and visually impaired people.
Supervisors: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill, Sheila Watson
Sarah (Sally) A. Hughes - Museum publishing: Production and reception of museum books.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Susan D. Baldino - Museum learners club: Social environments for inclusive learning.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Amy Jane Barnes - From revolution to commie kitsch: (Re)-presenting China in contemporary British museums through the visual culture of the cultural revolution.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Magnus Gestsson - Commercial galleries in Copenhagen, London and Reykjavik: A comparative study of the formations, contexts and interactions of galleries founded between 1985 and 2002.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Kouros Samanian - Investigation of environmental factors causing the deterioration of Safavid period murals Iran (1501-1736 AD).
Supervisor: Ann Brysbaert
Anna Woodham - Museums visiting and social inclusion: The geography of school visits to museums.
Supervisors: Martin Phillips (geog) and Lisanne Gibson
Wing Yan (Vivian) Ting - Communicating Chinese ceramics: A study of material culture theory in selected museums in Britain.
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Jeanette C. Atkinson - Learning to respect: The perspectives of heritage professionals in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Supervisor: Sandra Dudley
Lena Maculan - Researching podcasting in museums: Can new broadcasting models of publication make art more accessible?
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Amad M. Ajaj - The historical development of university museums in Jordan (1962-2006): Objectives and perspectives; case studies of archaeology museums at the Jordan and Yarmouk Universities.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert - Perceiving the art museum: Investigating visitation and non-visitation in Cyprus and abroad.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Dimitra Zapri - An ecological examination of young children's museum-related perceptions: A Greek case study.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Jeong-eun Lee - Behind the scenes at the new National Museum of Korea: An investigation of the museum's role in constructing notions of Korean national identity.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Vasiliki Tzibazi - Researching primary school children's "museum theatre" experiences.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Anna Catalani - Yoruba religious material culture and the Yoruba diaspora: An investigation into the relationship between Yoruba people in Britain and Yoruba religious material displayed in British museums.
Supervisor: Susan Pearce
Yung-Neng Lin - Admission charges, the representative audience and public museums.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Konstantinos Arvanitis - Everyday media for everyday meanings: Interpreting archaeological monuments in the streets of a Greek city.
Supervisor: Ross Parry
Bruce A. Campbell - The battle of the sites: A national museum for Wales.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Anastasia Filippoupoliti - Objects of culture: Collections of science and technology, 1800-1805.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Katerina Gioftsali - Families visiting museums as communities of learners: A case study.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Yupin Chung - Motivations, attitudes and loyalty: Towards a pricing strategy model for Taiwanese museums.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Hui-Jong Hsieh - Government policies and fine arts museums in Taiwan: The impact of government policies on museum personnel and finance.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Koni C. Kim - Korea as seen through its material culture and museums.
Supervisor: Susan Pearce
Jemima W. Fraser - Museums, drama, ritual and power a theory of the museum experience.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Shmuel Meiri - The museology of dinosaurs: In search of the authentic museum dinosaur.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Julia Cordova-Gonzalez - Interpretation of the ancient past in a museum of archaeology: San Miguel de Azapa Museum of Arcaheology, Arica, Chile.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Hadwig Kraeutler - Otto Neurath - museum and exhibition work: Spaces (designed) for communication.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Chia-Li Chen - Learning recollection and connection: A study of cultural identities amongst visitors to local museums in Taiwan.
Supervisor: Richard Sandell
Tracy (Yi Chun) Tsai - Teacher agenda and teacher museum experience: A comparative study of England and Taiwan.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Alice Semedo - The professional museumscape: Portuguese poetics and politics.
Supervisor: Sue Pearce
Nicola Clayton - Folk devils in our midst: Challenging the modernist museum paradigm.
Supervisor: Susan Pearce
Sérgio Lira - Museums and temporary exhibitions as means of propaganda: The Portuguese case during the Estado Novo.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Denis Lavoie - Commemoration of national heritage: Institutional practices and legitimising strategies.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Su-liang Tseng - The art market, collectors and art museums in Taiwan since 1949.
Supervisor: Simon Knell
Vivien M. Golding - New voices and visibilities at the museum frontiers.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
John C Carter - The evolution of museums as centres for learning: chapters in Canadian museology.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Hsiao-Ying Tseng Chang - To view two views: A case study of cross-cultural communication in museum exhibitions.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Alexandra Bounia - The nature of collecting in the Classical world: Collections and collectors, c.100 BCE - 100 CE.
Supervisor: Susan Pearce
Miriam Lisa Clavir - Preserving what is valued: An analysis of museum conservation and first nations perspectives.
Supervisor: Susan Pearce
Paul K. Martin - Contemporary popular collecting in Britain: The socio-cultural construction of identity at the end of the second millennium AD.
Supervisor: Susan Pearce
Ibramsha Yahya - Museum learning, the museum visitor, the museum visit.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Theano Moussouri - Family agendas and family learning in hands-on museums.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Maria Mouliou - The "writing" of classical archaeology in post-war Greece (1950 to the present): The case of museum exhibitions and museum narratives.
Supervisor: Susan Pearce
Pedro Júlio Enrech Casaleiro - Origins, public perceptions and future directions of the National Museum of Natural History in Portugal.
Raj Vardhan Kaushik - Effectiveness of Indian science centres as learning environments: A study of educational objectives in the design of museum experiences.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Carol E. Mayer - Metaphors and ways of seeing: A study of the permanent exhibition.
Nancy Einreinhofer - The paradox of the American art museum.
Margarida Dias Lima de Faria - Amusement without excess and knowledge without fatigue: Modern transformations of the museum experience.
Gaby Porter - Studies in gender and representation in British history museums.
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Terry MacLean - Research and development at the Fortress of Louisbourg national historic site, 1961-1981: a Canadian model for heritage preservation, interpretation and public history.
Yiao-hwei Chuang - An investigation into the exhibition of Buddhist objects in British museums.
Andromache Gazi - Archaeological museums in Greece (1829-1909): the display of archaeology.
Supervisor: Susan Pearce
Jesús-Pedro Lorente - Museums for nineteenth century art? A socio-historical study of the creation of galleries of modern art before World War I and their legacy.
Supervisor: Susan Pearce
Yui-Tan (Francis) Chang - The development of biological collections: Taiwan - an analysis and evaluation.
Supervisor: Geoff Stansfield
Maria de Lourdes Parreiras Horta - Museum semiotics: A new approach to museum communication.
Sonja Tanner-Kaplash (1989) - The common heritage of all mankind: A study of cultural policy and legislation pertinent to cultural objects.
Supervisor: Geoffrey Lewis
Aviva Barnea (1989) - The museum as a setting for new learning
Supervisor: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Lee Elizabeth Jolliffe (1987) - Municipal museums in Canada: Contemporary directions.
Lynne Teather (1983) - Museology and its traditions: The British experience, 1845-1945. Lynne was our first PhD graduate.
Supervisor: Sue Pearce