Movember 2023

Movember 2023

Would you like to raise funds for men’s health causes and have fun at the same time? Why not join students and staff across the University this Movember?

The main way that people raise funds for Movember is by growing a sponsored moustache – ‘Grow a mo to help a bro’ – but in fact you can do anything to raise money. A sponsored walk, a bake sale, whatever you feel like.

In previous years, students and staff at Leicester have raised thousands of pounds for Movember, which supports projects addressing men’s mental health, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

How to take part in Movember

Just go to and sign up. You will get your own ‘MoSpace’ page where you can record your progress and people can sponsor you.

If you are part of a sports team, your team can also have a team page that lists all the members, so you can see how much you are raising together. People can donate to an individual or to the team.

All our teams and individuals can also sign up to be part of the University of Leicester Challenge so we can see the total amount that we have raised as a university.

Let us know you’re taking part

Once you have your MoSpace page, or if you have any queries about Movember, contact Mike Simpson Mike will keep all our ‘MoBros’ and ‘MoSisters’ informed throughout the month about progress and events, including details of our famous Moustache Parade and prize-giving at the end of Movember.

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